WSG queue times?

What’s everyone WSG queue times on horde side?

instant solo queues for alliance? :joy:

I’ve been in WSG for 39 mins and AB 25 mins. Oh, well… guess its off to bed for me.

PS. I’m not queue’n up solo.

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sounds like a bugged queue if you are queueing with others

Not long enough



32 mins for me :frowning:

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are you solo or group queueing?

you know, I’m not sure if it was you or another shaman, but I’ve seen a lot of the sentiment about “just re roll shaman if they’re so OP or just quit”

guess what people are doing :slight_smile:


Wow, that is some serious zug brain right there. “Why are my queues so long!?!?!”


ahh not you Styls, I confused you for Ruug. WELL WELL WELL. enjoy your que times, boys

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Click on his name and his posts, he definitely is part of the same group. Its crazy the short sightedness of some people.

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oh I know he’s part of the I’M NOT OP DON’T NERF ME BRO club, just couldn’t remember if he was one of the guys with the giga brain idea to tell people to roll to the same faction as him :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



I dont play Enh and never have. So, no im not part of the “roll shaman”. I’ve been Ele seen day 1 and it was my immediate choose once SOD was announced. Not my fault they have turned out they way they have. You couldn’t pay me enough money to play a Ret though, that’s for sure.

Edit: Its ok… All Alliance is doing is making blizzard think about releasing same faction bgs. Oh, dont let them do that. LOL!

I’ve been done with the r7 honor grind for weeks now… every main is done so q’s are long… which is why I proposed trading in honor/ab/wsg tokens for account bound xp tokens that can only be purchased as a max level/max rank char. Something like 1ab token for 10,000-15,000xp that I can send to my alt. That way I can keep pvping on my main.

You know this was the motivation that made me change my PVP Char to

This one. The motivation was not in the sense of acomplishment but rather the avoidance of frustration. I wanted to keep enjoying PVP and not being overly frustrated by the circumstances. So I am learning2adapt!!!

I bet you played a priest in phase1. lol

This is unfortunately very likely. When the devs see the horde is in some kind of trouble they rush to intervene.