WSG queue times?

You’re playing the zerg faction my friend. Enjoy the queue times.

News Flash: I probably have more time playing on alliance side then horde and nothing has changed over the years. Alliance are the carebear faction that fact is known. For TBC/Wrath classic they forced blizzard to release same faction bgs.

I just hope they skip the waiting times and give the horde same faction bgs from day 1… on their next project.

News flash: The ques wouldnt be so bad if the class balance wasnt broken. Especially with a faction specific class.

Oh, please… Alliance just need some type of incentive to queue up again. Maybe a box with gold/items?

Like 80% of the populace got their rank 7 for the gear and will NEVER step foot in another bg (probably wont step foot outside of SW/IF).

That’s why horde need same faction bgs. Even after we hit our rank we still continue to pvp.

I feel sorry for the 10% of Alliance that truly love to PvP. I have been part of that 10% for a long time.

The queue times are horrible for solo or groups of 2-4. Groups of 5 get queue within minutes.
Edit: as a horde player.

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They wont step foot in a BG because to hit rank 7 in the first place they either crawled through a sea of glass solo queing into premades with busted class stacks of shamans and priest or they had to mindlessly grind STV honor bags which is boring and crappy especially with entire groups phasing into you or rogue/mage 5 mans gibbing you or arcane explosion/living bomb spamming your group to death. Thats why.

yeah, because horde dont have to worry about the sea on pink that are Rets in bgs or STV… you have to kill them 3 times. Bubble, LoH and finally you can kill em. QQmoar.

Enjoy your que times :^)

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I got my rank and gear… just would be nice to put that gear to work and continue the alliance cries.

I will revisit this thread later when blizzard releases same faction bgs. =P

PVP is the main thing I really care about in the game, it’s what I have most fun doing, and the PVP sucks lol. I hit rank 7 week 1 and continued to que, and played a little during each damage reduction test, although less and less, because again, it sucks.

retail is more a lobby game and less an MMO, but has WAYYYY better PVP balance than SoD, and that’s saying something in a game with Fistweavers with a 55 second cooldown cocoon and demon hunters on adderall fumbling through the game LoSing their healing and killing people behind a pillar at 20% health.

I agree the pvp does suck but what do you expect from a company that has its customers beta testing the game for them? They have a dev team that is probably overworked and spread out over Cata/Retail/Mistremix/Classic… I feel sorry for them.

Edit: I was actually going to reinstall retail and then I notice you had to pay $40 for the expansion and quickly hit the esc button. I will not be giving blizzard another dollar for an expansion or new game. Diablo 4 was the last time for me.

I dunno man but I figure a billion dollar company can afford to staff a few more people.

also TRUE, D4 BAD

You would think they could but hence here we are… experiencing it in real life. LOL

all shaman specs are pretty strong in retail and I don’t hate them there btw.

that spot is reserved for demon hunters (because I prefer 2s to 3s and they shine way more in 2s)

Your comrades will start crying loud for shaman nerfs then. Trust me, you don’t need this.

I have no idea what’s up in retail. I give up with it probably a month into dragonflight. Not that DF was bad, more like a lot of the new stuff was release too late. Solo shuffle should’ve been out 7 years ago. Can you imagine SS in classic TBC/Wrath?

We already fight them in STV… and you dont see us crying here on the forums.

You arent forced to STV cause you can BG pug stomp.

What the hell you talking about… easy honor and rep. Why would you skip it?

I’m just glad there are enough horde pvp’n could you imagine if it was Horde vs Alliance… STV would be unplayable. I’m glad for the horde that venture out to and keeps STV alive. We now need the same for BGS.

yeah but ret can shine in an all ret group or like a melee cleave group in STV WAY better than in a BG, STV is disorganized…like you messed with a few solo shuffles right? how it’s all just chaos with no organization especially at low CR? STV is basically that but zonewide in a classic setting. you usually pug a bunch of randos unless your boys are online (they aren’t anymore, game is bad) and you could get some decent people, or you can get Timmy the hunter who can’t figure out why he isn’t shooting in the deadzone.

alliance que time is faster queing solo, horde que time is faster queing with a group. you’re able to be more selective about your team for you to get a quicker que, and we could either que into a team of DORF HEALER PRIEST LIVELORD GODS who carry us on their little shoulders to victory, or more backpedaling Timmy boys.

Oh, I dont blame alliance that premade. If you want a good win % you are force too… or get stuck with Rets/Sp/boomkins that dont peel, heal, dispell.