Stop letting raids queue into bgs

It’s a game, and we all play by the same rules. And for what it’s worth name calling on the forums only exposes you as a bully, and does nothing to actually add to the conversation, nor does it present any particular point.

I queue both solo and premade, and it has been my experience that there are A LOT of people who have no business whatsoever queueing BGs. They complain, troll their teammates, do nothing of value, but add negative value because they call for the team to throw, to not try, to “let them cap” and so on…

There is a lot to be said about a good comp, sure. There’s also a lot to be said about a team that actually tries.

For anyone who says that “It’s impossible to beat a premade as a PuG.” Go make a premade and see how well you do.

Here’s a guide I put together for you. I hope it helps you, if you aren’t sure where to get started:
