WSG is dead

To be fair, as a premade enjoyer, sometimes you log in during the morning hours while having a coffee and want to play a match of PvP and you know you don’t have the time to put together a group, you just want to talk to the BG guy and play a match for fun. But somehow even in the morning you run into an enemy premade so you type /afk and log out and watch YouTube videos instead.

This being said, premade Q, if it is added, should be strictly better than solo Q. Like a x4 honor or rep multiplier as games will be longer and less likely to win and the current progression systems are tuned around premades cruising over plebs. In this way solo Q will exist for fun but reward minded players will always benefit from putting together premades and being social in an MMO.


The rank 1 RBG players are getting farmed by the same classic andies teams they always have.

Nobody cares about gladiators or rank 1 rbg titles in sod

Either you’re good at vanilla wsg or you aren’t

Everyone treats wsg like some classic, but it really is one of the worst bgs

out of 6 WSG games, all of them were premades. The team with 3 priests and 4 hunters is always gonna beat a bunch of pugs. Being able to handpick your team needs to come with consequences, mainly in playing another premade

Complains about losing in PvP, brags being a great PvP’er, talks trash about players beating him… what…?

I refuse to do WSG until the timer is added back. If they can make the change to put a damage reduction aura in there then they can make one of the best changes ever made to this BG and add the timer back.

yea true, true, thats pretty tru.

Lvl 25 PvP is just bad.

premades aren’t any different to fight than a regular team. just literally run at the enemy flag carrier and then kill the enemy flag carrier. and then we cap the flag. lol easy. with 10 people truly focusing the same target, they would get deleted. no one has ever coordinated a true focused target successfully on pvp i’m wiling to admit… too much going on. if we just marked their best Flag Runner with a skull and left it there the rest of the match and treated it like we were trying to clear AQ40 2 days after it was released, the guy would quit within minutes lol. focus their flag carrier and win more games. dumbos

this guy is right.

Says 89 instances of WSG are running right now at this moment at 6am on a Friday morning.

i agree with this guy!