So just to give you a heads up. This would almost certainly not be for the boosting you were doing (despite the irony of your guild name). Punishments aren’t that quick, It was most likely from something detected days, weeks, even months before. These investigations from the hacks team take time.
If they did not escalate your ticket, but did you friends, then likely the evidence they have on your account was heavier.
You can continue to appeal until they say no more. Each appeal means a fresh pair of eyes looks at the evidence they have on their end (and that is all the evidence they use). They either over turn it or uphold it. When it gets to the point they say no more, the word is final.
Good luck.
Edit: Ohh and just to be clear, they never reveal what it was that got ya hit. They don’t for a variety of reasons, the one most mentioned by Blues is that there is big cheating business (organized crime, etc) that would love to know. So, do be careful with how ya play.
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I appreciate the insight. To clarify again, I have never used 3rd party exploits/software or “hacked” in any way, or with any game, so there “should” be no risk of cross contamination from other games. There’s a bunch of people going through what I’m going through on reddit. I will continue to appeal until I’m unable.
If you ask in Customer Support, they will say the same thing. Appeal until no more.
The Blues admit that mistakes, while rare, do happen. And that is why the appeals is there.
Seriously, good luck.
If you haven;t figured it out yet… I’ll help you.
- Never post here about bans/suspensions the people on the forums are literally troglodytes who simp insanely hard for blizzard.
- keep submitting tickets till you get an actual person, even when they say they will ban your accounts if you submit anymore tickets on the same problem
Anyone not on here knows the AI system is terrible and all you can do is brute force it.
Also don’t mention boosting on here, even though its not against ToS that’s all the trogs will see and troll you on now.
Your assessment seems to be accurate haha
Also reddit seems to get better gm responses, might have a little luck there
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I’m curious why the OP still hasn’t made a thread in the customer support forum. Blues actually respond there.
just got home from work, havent had time yet
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, they might have detected you logging in from multiple geographic regions and interpreted the activity as paying a 3rd party for levelling services.
dude bought gold, bought boosting, cries when banned, tries to pretend he’s innocent and his gf is a real person and not his other account. fake gf account likely wasnt the account that traded the bought gold for the boosting.
Lol you boostys are so pathetic. Here’s a tip: don’t buy boosts from Spanish and Brazilian mages who do in fact use cheat engine and other programs to get a faster boost time.
Hope your issue is resolved, boosting or not doesn’t deserve your account to be banned.
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Odd it would make sense that someone on deployment might be tempted to do booting…
If she didn’t it would make Sense her request would go through, and why your is in limbo…
Same thing happened to me during Phase 2 of SoD. All the comments were the ones you see here. Everyone thinks you’re a liar. Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t mean anything anymore.
Just keep submitting appeals. Sadly, that’s all you can do. No one here can help. It took about a week for my permanent ban to be overturned.
People don’t think automated permanent bans are a thing, but you and I, and hundreds if not thousands of others, can attest to the fact that they are.
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Boosting is not against ToS. Blizzard has stated this themselves.
This could likely be the problem.
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Why do you have two accounts? I was under the impression that having multiple accounts violates TOS.
Multiple accounts are fine provided you’re not cloning your keystrokes to play them.
Yea, you’re not going to find sympathy here. Because odds are you were running a program you shouldn’t have. And you will never admit that here.
I’m not saying you did, but coming here looking for sympathy is the opposite of a good idea.
If I had to speculate it was probably because of how her character was following you, and to be frank, if that’s the case odds are this “girlfriend” doesn’t exist and your botted account was elevated while they determine if the primary account is tied to it.
But, at the end of the day, I have played this game a couple times. Different accounts both times because I don’t remember my old email to save it. And in all my time in game, all the people I’ve interacted with, met and grouped with. I’ve never met someone who’s account was banned for no reason. Especially when it comes to botting, it’s next to impossible for an actual human controlled character to move like a botted account
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Your act would be more believable if you didn’t spam about buying gold on a banned for botting post