WRONG Vault loot"Update: Maybe not Broke just do MORE Delves?"

Update It may be that Open world content Counts toward the Great Vault in SOME sort of way… that being said I watched a Bellular video where he explains that to get all 3 slots of the great vault to Tier 8 Delve rewards… you need to complete 12 Delves at that level for the week… So idk if its broke or a Visual bug or what but some Clarity is Definitely NEEEDED

I guess submit a ticket and pray they do something

they don’t care, their silence on this issue and others is deafening.


I noticed with this vault that you have to do more to get the next tier. It will tell you what tier you are on

ive done nothing but Tier 8 Delves since Reset and it shows in the Vault that i have 1 Tier 8 and the other 2 are tier 1’s

same for me

1 T8 delve and many open world stuffs done

vault says I get 2 T1 rewards.

If you make a bug report post, I’ll make my “me too” post there also.

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i just Submitted a Ticket In-Game but i will make a Bug report post as well >>>>Great Vault Rewards Not accurate

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Had this happen to me when working on my first weeks rewards. I had to keep doing tier 8s and it eventually fixed itself. Although sense you get your rewards now its probably too late for you. But for this week to make sure you get the loot your suppose to get next week check to make sure your vault is progressiong by clicking the little RDF eyeball and click on the delve tab then click on the vault. It’ll tell you what your next week reward will be. It glitches out and doesn’t always update but if you just keep completing it eventually works. I had to complete around 20 delves solo to make mine register all 3 rewards as tier 8.

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ok, in-game bug report posted.

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Might sound entitled but i dont have that much time to waste on something that shouldnt be broken to begin with


Not entitled at all, your time is valuable and things should work as intended. I was merely offering a work-around if you did have the time and wanted to fix it bad enough you could pursue it on your own as it’s unlikely blizzard is going to fix it for you, they will instead fix the bug at some point in time but you will keep encountering it until then.

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GMs cannot do anything about bugs.

Also, this is how it was explained to me, as it works the same as the dungeon row:

You need to complete 2/4/8 delves all at the same level to be eligible for the reward bump. So if you did 3 tier 5s and 1 tier 4, you’re gonna get the tier 4 reward in the vault until you “push” it off with another tier 5 run


psure he meant in-game bug report ticket

i put in one also

edit: So how many T8 delves would I need to do so I get 1 t8 vault slot?

psure last week I did 1 T8 and it showed me getting a T5, then I did 2 and the first slot showed as T8 and the second showed as t5 or t6

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I’d like to say two, but it will depend entirely on how some of those open world activities are counted. The world boss, for example, might count the same or higher than a tier 8. And if that’s the case, then probably four.


k, thank you…

I did lots of open world stuff

If it’s going to drag down the vault I’d like to see some clarity on how the vault tiers work.

We only get 4 keys or so every week, if doing other stuff means no T8 vaults for the week, theres a big problem in my opinion.

What if we can’t get enough keys, do we just do non-bountiful t8’s to pad the vault reward?

Gonna suck if we have to do 10-15 t8’s a week to get the vault capped cuz we did open world stuff

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The only thing that should be of any equivalent should be the world boss. Everything else is pretty low.

But you do have to push that stuff out in 2/4/8.

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Do non-bountiful delves count?

let’s hope this is a visual bug and we actually getting the correct vaults, just starting a t8 waterworks on this toon we see if it changes at the end,assuming i can complete it of course :slight_smile:

I hear waxface is pretty hard now /crosses fingers


So, this happened to me today.

Completed x4 Tier 8 Delves, they showed up in my GV with x2 616 Rewards for next week. Now, I wanted to complete another x4 T8 Delves to get x3 item level 616 T8 Delve GV rewards. The “Complete 8 Delves or World Events to increase item level” displayed as Tier 1 with the verbiage of (Conduct a Delve Tier 2 or Higher to increase the item level to XXX. when I was conducting my 5th T8 Delve). After I’ve completed all four (4) T8 Delves (non-bountiful) they still counted towards my total 8 Tier 8 Delves completed with max item level rewards. So, it will count, you just gotta break the 2, 4 and 8 thresholds for it to display the once you’ve completed them.

So, it will still say Tier 1 even if you just completed a Tier 8 Delve, because you have to complete x2 Tier 8 Delves for it to reflect that highest rewards for the two (2) that was conducted, then 4 then 8. So, by the time you’ve completed all 8 Tier 8 Delves, you’ll have your x3 item level 616 Great Vault reward choices for next week.

Hope this makes sense. Good luck to ya’s! :+1: :grin:


Now I keep getting DC’d

and theres 2 of the flame frontal cone caster guys with 12m health in the starting room where you pick up the first air purifier at with me.

not finishing this one lol