Great Vault Rewards Not accurate?

Since the Tuesday Reset on 9/17/24 i have done a total of 3 delves on Tier 8… and in the Great vault, my rewards are showing that my First Option is Tier 8, and my other 2 options are "Tier 1 " When i never did a Tier 1 Delve… All i have done are Tier 8 and the Great Vault needs to reflect that…Asap

Update It may be that Open world content Counts toward the Great Vault in SOME sort of way… that being said I watched a Bellular video where he explains that to get all 3 slots of the great vault to Tier 8 Delve rewards… you need to complete 12 Delves at that level for the week… So idk if its broke or a Visual bug or what but some Clarity is Definitely NEEEDED


I have the same problem. My first two vault slots are showing tier 8 but the third slot keeps showing tier one. I keep doing level 8 delves and the third slot keeps saying my loot will be tier one.



Did a T8 with a key no deaths and vault preview say I get a tier 1 vault reward.

I did a T7 delve run earlier and my GV is only showing as a T6 for highest and even though I’ve done 4 delves today alone, I have T6 and 2 T1 as rewards when i should have better than that!

just did t8 delve 1 death because the big zekvir spawned and killed me, but i got the I TAKE Candle Achiv in completing the t8, and Great Vault shows Teir 1 completed.

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Mine is showing the exact same thing. I just completed my 4th T8 delve and the second slot still says 1 :rage:
Last week I completed 8 T8 delves and this wasn’t an issue.