My main is ilvl 156 hunter Rupreht @ Stormrage and yesterday I unlocked renown 10 & 11 for my covenant (Nigh Fae). Renown 10 is supposed to increase the ilvl of World Quests rewards, but all mine are stuck at ilvl 148 - including 2 new WQ that popped AFTER I upgraded my renown.
I actually enjoy doing WQs and they are my main way of gearing - not very hardcore of me, I know. Please help.
Thank you
First thing you want to try is a full UI reset.
Oh okay, I might see the issue. You said your main is 156. If I recall, WQ rewards scale according to the ilvl in question. You need to make a certain gear threshold for the gear ilvls to increase.
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Even if that’s the case - ilvl 148 rewards for ilvl 156 toon make no sense. My pally toon is ilvl 160 and 4 of his WQs offer ivlv 161 rewards (without renown 10 unlocked, mind you).
I’m 187, but my rewards from WQ are at 171 and I just unlocked Renown 10
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Hmmm, so maybe not a bug - just crappy reward system?
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You are not gonna get raid or dungeon quality loot from WQ not for a long while.
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I’m having a similar issue. I’m renown level 10 and my World Quest items are stuck at ilvl 148. The weird thing is when I look at those quests on the WoW iOS app it shows the items as being 151 or 158.
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My renown is at 12 and my item level is 173, surely world quests should be offering better than 158 rewards?
I believe all it does is increase the ilvl cap (like they did in BFA whenever a new season was released). WQ gear rewards still scale to your total avg ilvl.
So for example I had a WQ that gave a 171 cloak, while another gave me 158 feet. My avg ilvl is 195 (unequipped).
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Nope, this time Renown is meant to be the arbiter of WQ upgrades - hence the multiple WQ ilvl upgrade tiers in the covenant Renown rewards chain.
In no sane world is it reasonable for a 159 ilvl player to still be stuck with 148 WQ rewards because my ilvl isn’t high enough. That would just make WQ rewards after you pass 148 as 100% vendor trash.
It’s gotta be a bug.
We just want what’s printed on the tin. Nobody’s “devaluing your raid loot”
by getting a few slow upgrades from world quests. Never were, not even in Legion/BfA.
That makes no sense when it seems you need to be 20 ilvls average above the rewards before you’re allowed to access them.
That makes them pointless vendor trash. I cannot believe this is “working as intended.”
Taking my case and saying you need to is not a strong case. It could be a lower requirement. I’m just reporting what I have experienced.
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Oh, I know - I wasn’t saying that, it just seems like the only people reporting actual upgraded world quest item levels are those who are way above those item levels. It’s starting to look like a pattern.
So I managed to upgrade some of mu gear and now my hunter sits @ ilvl 160 but the WQs are still giving me ilvl 148 rewards! I did one of the quests in a vain hope that the error id with WQ display not the reward, but I did get ilvl 148 piece of gear. Major bummer!
I’m also of the “it’s gotta be a bug” mindset.
All of my gear is either at 148 or above. No pieces are below that. I am past Renown 10 (I’m at 12 now). My WQ rewards were showing at 148 prior to me reaching Renown 10 (the threshold at which the game states they would increase) and they’re still showing at 148, even after 48 hours. The only thing we haven’t waited for is the weekly reset, since we achieved Renown 10 Tuesday evening.
Our thread is here: Renown 10 - World Quest ilvl not updating - #8 by Nysse-earthen-ring
Furthermore, as evidenced by other threads recently posted, there seems to be a distinct bug in what the map is showing and what is being granted. Things aren’t working right at the moment, and I have a feeling that all of us “locked” at 148 are being affected by it.
So, another update. This time it’s good news.
Decided to do all my low gear WQs in hope that this will “force” game to provide ilvl appropriate rewards for the new WQs. After flying to the WQ zone I noticed that the mouseover reward ivlv was 158 and after I did the quest the reward was indeed ilvl 158!
Fingers crossed all new rewards will be ilvl appropriate. Good luck!
Yeah WQ gear rewards are not retroactive. So if they gave a 148 piece when it came up, it will still reward a 148 piece regardless of what avg ilvl you are when you complete it. This is supported by the fact that newer WQ’s gave gear at a higher ilvl for you. As you mentioned in a later post.
Two days later with all world quests expired and new ones arrived, I still see only 148/151 quests available.
Also, remember that for two expansions prior to this one, world quests reward item levels have updated in real time if you gear up before completing them.
It’s bugged.
This happened to me today (9:14 pm PT) From Oribos, it showed that the quest Clear the Skys (@ the Temple of Courage, Bastion) would award me a 171 conduit “Conflux of Elements” - 19 hours left. When I flew to Bastion it showed the same quest but a 168 cloak instead. I returned to Oribos, double checked, and in Oribos again, it showed the conduit. Flew back to Bastion, now again, it shows the lower level cloak. I reloaded UI and I exited the game. I did the quest and sure enough, got the cloak which I didn’t really want and wasn’t worth the back and forth hassle getting there. If it’s the same with the other trinket 171 in Revendreth, then Houston, we have problem.
UPDATE: (same night) From Oribos the map showed me that Revendreth offered a WQ “Trash’n the Camp” for an ilvl 171 trinket called Master Duelist’s Chit. I went there and once in Revendreth the same quest showed the same trinket for ilvl 168. I completed the quest and was awarded the 168. So the map from Oribos is wrong or something is off with the WQ - at ilvl 180 and Renown 11 - I anticipate 171 (perhaps wrongly). I’m not sure which part isn’t functioning but they are not in sync.
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