Worgen don’t get tails until humans do.
Arguing if werewolves do or don’t have tails is like arguing if the boogie man is in the closet or under the bed. First, the cultural contribution is substantial. Second they don’t exist anyway.
The only other werewolf by Blizzard
Look how cuddly he is. Clearly tails on a werewolf makes them fluffy floofakins.
Druidic magic shapeshifting:
One of these things is not like the others.
One of these things just doesn’t belong.
Can you tell which thing is not like the others?
If only you knew the history of the Worgen model you would know better. Its ok though your lack of play time in the game just lets us know how little you really know.
1, doesn’t matter what lore says. because lore also provides a high fantasy world where all manner of illusionary and transformational magic exists.
2. there is no retcon required. add it in as a option. an unlock. a potion. a barber shop magic special deal. use illusionary magic sold by scribes. summon powers from beyond the vail. make a deal with Alternate universe N’zoth its not that hard to come up with solutions that dont require retcons.
I have been playing since 2005. I have three accounts. One of them is lost forever. I just post on my current main.
He just keeps going.
Willful ignorance at its worst.
Then surely you know the history of the Worgen model and how Blizzard ran out of time and slapped something together that no one wanted for 10 years. You know that Worgen are the only core race who have yet to get their racials revamped and updated. And you know that Worgen players while we are few in number, we will never stop making our requests that Worgen get the same care and attention the other races in the game get.
This is false. It feels like it sometimes based on the attention we get, but we are the 5th most played Alliance race. Ahead of gnomes. Ahead of dwarves. Only humans, night elves, void elves, and draeni are more played.
I dont know if that list is right Cur. I mean ya NE and Human make up most of the alliance we are all a very tiny number. In comparison. Take my guild for example I am the only raiding Worgen member.
Looks at tail " you win this one"
I play Worgen. I do not want a tail
I love it when people don’t read the fact we want it optional so people can choose if they want one or not.
I read I just don’t care
Like I said I’m just tired of the furrification of worgen over the years. I miss when we looked vicious.
Yes a rabid pregnant pissed off chihuahua was so much more vicious looking I’m sure.
Literally was. Yeah the graphics weren’t the best but we looked like proper beastly werewolves. The WoW dev team has a lot of furries so I know it will only get worse. I’m sure tails will get added eventually.
Oh mon but they do, they just in the same place as troll beards.
Worst model in WoWs history but hey thankfully the HD model fixed that 10 year mistake. But as you said they will more than one day add a tail so wouldn’t you like it to be optional on your character rather than forced?
If you like the cutsie worgen over the vicious worgen I can’t stop you. I’m just anti-furry and would prefer not to let them have anything they like. But obviously that’s not going to happen.
If you think werewolves are furrys… oh boy that’s a whole discussion on its own you need to have. There are furrys out there that play Worgen but a larger group who play Worgen play them because they are werewolves but hell in this day and age people just lump anything they don’t like and generalize it into the category they dislike most to try and insult others. Shrugs
Ps. The permanent snarl wasn’t vicious looking at all it was just stupid.