Write your own loading screen tips

If you die you get sent to the Maw.
Don’t die.
The Maw sucks, and you can still die again.

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I’m 42. I keep my left hand going at all times, and it feels weird for my thumb to just sit there not doing anything, so I jump.

I use the Spacebar for only three things:

  1. Jumping (of course)
  2. Using a keybind (Shift-Space) to mount
  3. Using a keybind (Ctrl-Space) for teleports and hearthstones.

It’s too difficult to hit anything else but the Spacebar with your thumb, so jumping it is.

Edit: To add, some boss mechanics are only damaging while you’re touching the ground, so jumping can get a move around it without having to actually go around it.

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Instructions on switching from the retail client to classic.

That’s really the only tip I think would be necessary.

grows several feet and in a booming voice states “Yes…”

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It was just a reflection of the writer’s personal experience with players that they knew well enough to characterize. But actual data on that would be fascinating.

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Bad forum topics only go away if you post that you don’t like them, especially on Sunday

Many forum topics could be a reply to an existing one!

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/shoots a tranq dart too remove the magic growth buff

Nice try herne.

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“Report every player that isn’t a paladin.”

“Report every player that is a paladin”