Same problem here on proudmoore
Still having this issue on Dalaran. Nothing I have tried helps ( leaving the isle, just going to a different zone, doing other quests, logging, disabling addons)
Glad I’m not the only one having this issue. Guess we’ll have to wait weeks for a fix due to Blizz not having their priorities in the right order.
Same issue.
This is still occurring. Just hit Ally with Wrathion and can no longer talk to her.
I just hit Freind rep with Wrathian after spending 250k gold on rings and now I can’t get the last 4k rep because I am no longer getting loot from mobs everyone is phased out there are no quartermasters or and Wrathian and Sabel are all gone. I just spent all this gold to hit True Freind and now I can’t even get the loot I farmed for 12+ hours for.
This characters broken now as well. Didn’t even rank up but I can no longer access any vendors, turn in signets, or get ANY bonus objective pops ups (IE: spider rare) so I’m just sitting here losing rep for zero legitimate reason. Realm hopping, relogging, dying, war mode, party syncing, NOTHING works.
I’ve tried a lot of things as well (re-log, cache clear, addons off, rezone, hearth out come back etc) none of it has got it to work. Would really like to buy my cloak and appearances
Ya I hear you as well by the time they fix this I would have been True freind and had my 2 pieces already
Did a full exit and logged in to alt, seems to either worked or it randomly fixed itself again. But, its up.
everyone has stopped talking about this but its still a problem for me, what fixed it?
cant buy multiple items from vendor although im maxed rep. have all required resources. wish anything worked correctly. or that they address this bug in any capacity. id like to receive what i just spent days of my life earning.