Wrathion and Sabellion rep reset after warband

My reputation with wrathion and sabellion got reset after the warband conversion I have the dragon skin and everything saying I got there but now there are both at 1/6.


Bumping this up to say mine wasn’t reset, but dropped down to my DK’s rep status when I have the True Friends account-wide achievement for both Wrathion and Sabellian from farming them on my monk.

This is now Warband-wide, when all the other Dragonflight reps took after my monk’s status (maxed with everyone but Loamm and Emerald Dream) after the pre-patch.

Still a problem. I definitely don’t want to regrind these!

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My rep with 7th legion from BFA got reset to friendly on my main.

seems a couple of reps are having bugs like this.

As best as I can tell, this seems to have happened because I logged into my DK first after the pre-patch as opposed to my monk. My monk obtained true friend status with both “factions” and the achievements are account-wide, though technically I should no longer have either if this was intended.

It’s also worth noting that my progress toward 100 exalted reps hasn’t decreased, so in theory grinding these again would have them double dip. I haven’t tested the double dipping theory, though, because screw key farming. I just want my achievements to be reflected in the rep menu.

bumping this because I just noticed the same thing when I went to get a cosmetic. I still have the true friends achievement but I’m an acquaintance now

Same here. Didn’t notice until I went to buy the drake manuscripts for an achievement. Did any of you get it fixed?

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Still an issue. Doesn’t seem to be getting fixed.

This is ridiculous that they are not addressing this issue tbh. Happened to me as well.