Blizzard’s writers have insisted for some time but rather than have Anduin shack up with a Draenei lady like he was alledged to want they just keep him a perpetual bachelor so Auntie Jaina doesn’t get jealous.
i think anduin has a better chance with calia menthol anyways
He was on a weeks vacation & when he comes back he always makes a new character.
Agreed! Although I don’t think they should end up the way some others have suggested.
Why Blizzard is okay with Tulln/Talonel mate here harassing people, including the LGBT, after they got vacation for the god knows how many times, i will never know.
he’s actually just making everyone look bad lol idk how this allowed
definitely not the real T
I guess I’d like to see Wrathion become an Aspect, but I don’t really have any attachment to him. Anduin I’d like to see eventually come home and start courting a future Queen (Valeera, Tess, or Taelia), though I suspect that won’t be until 11.0.
Since you mentioned Sylvanus, imo she should have died in Shadowlands, and not a hero’s death either.
But you’re not the real ‘T’, what have you done with the real ‘T’ ?
throw them both off the maw and be done with it
i got clickbaited, so it has to be him lmao
Talon is a known obsessive troll. This post seems tame now, but it has only just begun.
I hope they leave Sylvanus alone for at least two expansions. And as for Anduin, I hope they can have him stop being a baby. Have him man up, even if he makes some mistakes (or offends someone). Maybe even have Greymane get upset at him for not helping the Worgen get the city back or something.
Can I just have Wrathion’s hair for my Blood Elf and Worgen…and the rest of his look…let me just make a few characters that look like him. He would be the most epic gnome or undead.
Anduin is going to turn out to be Ragnaros in disguise (yes, he’s back) and cause a second cataclysm in the old world.
Wraithion will have a new backpack mog you can get.
Will he come with a new mount, though?
That fiery bird still evades me.
So you reported for nothing.
Got it
Eh if anything I wouldn’t be surprised if anduin and slyvanas snuggle up a bit in the maw.
Wrathion will have his hands full trying to puff his chest out further than his older competition and proving he has the goods to help rebuild the flight.
Him mingling with a human (is anduin technically undead at this point?) won’t make more baby dragons.
Oh, wow.
It finally clicked. Blizzard is so big brained (sometimes).
They’ve “exiled” Anduin to the Shadowlands so they don’t have to deal with Anduin & Wrathion shippers. Up until now it made no sense.
They’ve turned a lose, lose situation into a win, win situation.
As for Wrathion, excited to see him go up against the other Black Dragon, I hope that’s an engaging story with meaningful player choice.
I didn’t report anything though. Buzz off