Wrathion and Anduin

What exactly is the status with them?

Last thing I really recall between them is Wrathion punching Anduin’s face, but since then? Did I miss something or did the SL story not have anything new develop with that

According to Christie Golden a few years back…


Literally. :stuck_out_tongue:

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As far as know Anduin is doing his soul searching and wrathion is too busy doing his thing.

Why do I have to read books to understand this story?

Who thought that was a good idea except an accounting intern at blizzard

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What? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I just pulled it from WoWpedia. :point_down:

A number of fans pair him with Wrathion. However, Christie Golden has stated that “their relationship was only good friends”[187][188] and that it has been established “Anduin likes girls”.[189]

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Yes but I should be able to understand the story in the game itself instead of having to read books or use some third party website

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Before all the Anduin x Wrathion shippers swarm this thread.

Anduin x Wrathion is never going to be a thing.

Stop trying.


That i do agree with honestly.

They have a friendship, that has been made clear in the game multiple times. The books do not change that.


Oh but a certain sombody might think that… :roll_eyes:

:tea: :cat:

SPEAK OF THE ONE OF THE DEVILS, Tulln is here. Now this thread is ruined. :laughing:


They will hopefully get married someday.


You summoned him in here. Shame on you.

Nah, it’s an omen, i swear! :rofl:

The El Diablo is following me to my grave because i gave evidence on what the writer said about their relationships. It’s like that one movie by M night shamallamaon, the elevator movie when everybody but one dies and the old lady turns into the devil to torment me for all the things i’ve done. Nothing but evil all around til i drink the punch. :joy:


My insanity! :crazy_face: /j

what? who’s getting married

Anduin always look so depressed except during MoP.

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I think it’s because he’s knows he’s only known for Nixxiom’s depiction. Hence why he turned into a DK.

"Oh my goodness guys! i love murder now! :smiley: "

Before it’s too late

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Well the Wrathion / Anduin relationship thing was manufactured in the forums and has nothing to do with the game. Anduin punched Wrathion in the mouth. Wrathion admitted that he deserved that but then told Anduin that dark times were coming.

It’s true dark times came, in fact several times, but it’s not clear which dark time he was talking about.

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Yes I agree, Taelia Fordragon and Anduin should be married. They’ll serve the corpse of Wrathion at their royal reception.


Hold up

People want wrathion and anduin to be a couple?