Wrath was Popular for a reason

Subs declined in wrath. Prove it.

How big of a market do you think the MMO fantasy rpg genre is? How many possible players are there? I’d imagine that wow during wrath was probably sitting at saturation within the market. A minor correction, subs didn’t start falling off until Q1 2011, 4-6 months AFTER cataclysm launched.


Here you go. As you can see, there was a considerable decline in subs from Q1 2009 to Q2 2009.


Oh thanks. Judging by the image you posted, it looks like subs dropped early, leveled off and rose once they added LFD towards the end.


They didn’t decline. Subs peaked in early Cata.

And apparently 2 million more subs than TBC isn’t growth, going by what someone else said.

Subs grew in Wrath more than almost every other mmo could dream of for their peak amount. Let alone in just one expansion.


It’s as of they added something in the middle of Wrath’s lifecycle that kept people subbed. Hmmmm… would could that have possibly been?


Yeah and see how the game only continued to lose subs after LFD was implemented? New features can certainly contribute to short bursts of interest, but, as the graph shows, LFD was the beginning of the end for WoW. Thankfully, the devs see this too and have stood their ground in removing it.

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I mean sure. It must be LFD that caused everyone to leave since they didn’t make ANY OTHER CHANGES to the game since LFD that might have possibly had an impact… /sarcasm

Did you even play wrath and then transition into cata? it was an absolute s show. The classes were all over the place. The world as we knew it was gone. The lore was unintelligible. Every class/spec became a twitch fest to see who could click the shinny button the fastest. It was a completely different game when you logged in on cata release.


I see wrath as being stable post LFD and cataclysm’s subs dropping like a stone. Nice attempt to come back, but you kinda owned yourself by posting that. It runs contrary to everything you’ve been saying.


I have to ask, are you familiar with what graphs are and how to read them?

This is literally a fact that you cannot dispute, no matter how you personally feel about it.

Cata’s sub drops are due to the terrible long-lasting systems they added in Wrath that forever destroyed social functions in the game. It has nothing to do with Cata itself.

Please show how it contradicts anything I’ve said. I will wait.

Your first post that I just quoted. I almost laughed myself to death when you said people quit cata because of wrath. LOL! Diggin ya self deeper there.


That is an absolutely loaded take. You CANNOT point to any one feature and say “THAT is the reason wow declined” because the topic is Vastly, VASTLY more complicated than that.

I could point to the decline in reported pirate attacks and point to the increase in reporting of people in cancer and say “because we have less pirate attacks people are getting cancer” when in actuality it is just due to the fact that around the end of piracy, medical documentation was getting better…

This argument is constantly re-use but it such a TERRIBLE use of statistics.


Why do you keep feeding that troll? :thinking:

He’s flat out lying. Subs continued to rise after lfd. That’s a fact. And also: who cares?

Is he also arguing that subs dropped after ICC, so Blizz should remove that raid?

This is standard forum trolling: change the subject, distract, make up statistics.


So given the statement “I walked under a ladder and three days later broke my ankle falling off my bicycle” you would naturally assume the ladder did it…

But he did! He literally just said that people quit playing in cataclysm because of things that happened in wrath.

That’s an all timer right there.


You should see the Arena thread he started. He epically owned himself for a few days. He just dug deeper and deeper and now he can’t post there anymore.

Wishful thinking on my part I guess.

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Thankfully, I’m not assuming infinite growth is possible.

The fact is, the game hit a peak then, because as many people were leaving, as joining.

Many many people point to the ToC patch as the point at which they left, if not before then.

Except I didn’t say that. It seems to be a reading comprehension issue on your end. You’re missing the nuance right here:

People gave LFD a chance and realized they hated it, and unsubbed from the game because of it. This is literally what the graph shows, if you know how to read graphs. People quit Cata due to features that were added in Wrath. It’s not the same as saying people quit Cata because of Wrath, which is what you’re trying to hamfist because you ignored nuance.

Oh look, finally someone gets it. Just like we can’t point to one feature and say “this is the reason Wrath was so popular”.


And this

Are completely contradictory. You are drawing conjecture from evidence that isn’t conclusive. You cannot say that LFD had ANY contribution to its decline because there is no evidence that there is a link other than a down trend at some point post-implementation…

Again terrible use of statistics.


Meh. Was going to keep going but he isn’t worth my time. See you in the Arena forums bloomy.

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