Wrath Prepatch was the Best Event in WoW History

Bring it back for the Shadowlands pre-patch

Just utter chaos, it was great


Yes let’s go Contagion on this world again. It’s been over a decade we need more of this!!!


They already said there’s going to be scourge invasions, probably similar to what Legion had.


So lame asf and not worth the time?



I want an actual player driven event, not some indicator on a zone to go do 5 world quests and be done with it for the day.


The amount of outcry from the warmode off , lfr , pro flying crowd would be insane

It would actually be difficult to survive gasp


That was a wonderful event. I like how they outdid themselves for the Legion pre-expac avent.

I thought it was the best prepatch event ever. I hope they actually do it again but it’ll probably never happen thanks to some people who think an interruption to their daily work (in wow) is the worst thing ever.


They wouldnt be able to AFK in the Auction House, wont someone think of the children!?

I remember staying in stealth in Shattrath and observing the city and trade. Great time to be alive.


I would love it. I had a blast on my holy priest in Shattrath during that event, doing my best to defend Khadgar from other zombie-fied players…sometimes succeeding, and sometimes dying from a hard push against me and other defenders. It…was…glorious.

Unfortunately, there were also a large number of players that didn’t enjoy it at all. People trying to level, or use the banks and auction houses, had their play severely compromised…and honestly, they do have a right to play as they like.

My hope for the next pre-expansion event is something that allows both types of fun. That would be quite a challenge for the developers.

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It was just chaos and pandemonium everywhere. It is one of a handful of times in WoW I can remember with perfect clarity because I enjoyed it that much.


Now to add in blood plague status to ensure there are no survivors!

Will probably be a good way to level alts up, if it’s anything like Legion’s was.

:woman_shrugging: A lot of people liked it, but they also got a lot of backlash for it since it was easy to troll people and disrupt their playing. I don’t remember there being a way to opt out of it unless you just didn’t go to any major city.

I have screen caps from the event…it was a blast in the major cities.

Well, until it continually killed off about 90% of the NPCs and players…and then blizz was forced to give out 3 day credits do to the outcry about not being able to quest.

Now I dont want to kink shame the masochists but a line must be drawn somewhere lol

They can suck it up for 2 weeks

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Yes I’m sure that would go over well, coming from Blizzard.

For events like this I don’t think there should be an opt out feature. A HUGE world spanning event SHOULD affect everyone everywhere. It’s such a limited time anyway.

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One good look at these forums would reveal players will complain about anything and everything. If they designed only from a place of fear this game is unlikely to ever have a noteworthy event again.

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:sob: but how else we gonna get to super hell called the maw if we not super dead caused by the super party plagues?