Wrath of the tiger bug

If you think you’re doing it to help QA, don’t. They don’t use video evidence posted here, and if the players involved are identifiable that would violate the forums Code of Conduct. No name-and-shame allowed.

Forward your videos to hacks@blizzard.com if you want to provide evidence.

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this bug still isn’t fixed


Not fixed! Please address this.

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Still not fixed

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Still not fix

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They just did it again. Still not fixed.

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I keep seeing this being used over and over. Please fix this bug.

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Still not fixed! Was used for zone disruption and ported away. Please address this Blizzard!

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Yeah, this is very annoying, in most of the low level areas, I have stayed out there for 3 to 4 hours dealing with gankers, people are just trying to take advantage of the exp boost, and do not mind pvp against the same level players, but cannot get anything done due to being camped by 120’s or quest givers being killed by 120’s. But now we cannot even fight them, as soon as you fight them, they just use this exploit to get out of there if they are getting beat. The only deterrence, mostly, to get make them stop is to put them on a long rez timer, and now we cannot even do that. Please fix this blizzard, this is one of many flaws in your grand warmode system.


Yes please fix


Not fixed. Was abused this morning for zone disruption. Please address this issue.


bumping this post cus its still not fixed


Still waiting for a fix having to deal with them disappearing mid combat is mildly annoying

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im just here so I don’t get fined and this bug gets fixed

You’re under arrest


Yep, still not fixed. They were doing it today again.

Bump, still not fixed!

You’re also under arrest.

All of you going into the slammer!


I was just dueling and a monk swooped down and killed me when I was at low health. Guess what he did after that? He used the quest to port out. So pathetic that this is not fixed.

Still not fixed.

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