Wrath of the tiger bug

here to put in my daily bump post until blizzard fixes this bug. please do something about this so I can go back to killing the people spawn camping lowbies


I was in Stv allday never seen you… i dont have this quest in my bag…


Still not fixed. It’s being abused in WM off scenarios to grief people leveling by killing quest givers and porting out.

Please look into this bug/exploit Blizzard.

If it were an arena queue pop, the player would reappear shortly in the same location that they vanished from.

Unless it was a random BGs or EBGs those could go on longer than arena queues.

This does not change the fact that the bug still exists in the game as of today and is able to be used by any horde character that has not completed the Wrath of the Tiger quest.

This is not a bug, I can definitely see it being an exploit. You guys can bump it every minute and it will get no more attention. Also I’m not sure why everyone is so desperate to “stay on topic” I don’t think the devs will read this and go “Oof I was gonna fix this but these guys can’t even stay on topic, so it stays.”

Report the people that do it in game. That’s specifically what the ToS says to do, not “open a bug ticket and keep whining on it until we reply to it and change the game in a way you see fit.”


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Please just report people who use it in-game.

Other than that the game is literally called world of warcraft. Sometimes people find no joy in this game other than to kill npcs. I am not one of em, but everyone is different. Azeroth has many zones to level in. Check databases for info on where to level next!

True. Personally I don’t bother looking deeper unless it’s the same person repeatedly camping an area for several hours or over multiple days. I can’t speak for others and what their thresholds are.

A GM directed to make a thread about it along with an in-game report, this thread was already created so I posted in it, just like the multitudes of other reports here on the forums with players expressing they have also encounter whatever issue the topic of the thread is.

Threads can get locked when the posts stray too far from the original topic. We’d like this thread to stay open for other players to express their experience with it if needed. I have no plans to make a post every time I see it happen (that’s what the in-game reporting is for as you mentioned) but there have been a couple questions posed that I wanted to shed light on (port location, WM on/off, etc).


Pretty much this. The funny thing is, the “multitudes” of players that Lesi is mentioning here:

…are the same 8 or 9 players, posting on different alts. You can compare collections and see that 80% of the forum posters here are the same players posting under different names.

It has nothing to do with Horde “camping low levels” either. They’re complaining that they cant camp a group of Horde who kill them from time to time. They don’t care about whether a Horde would use this to camp low levels or not, and there aren’t Horde using it in non WM either. This is evident because the OP of the thread, and Lesi herself, made YouTube videos on how to tutorials, step by step, on how to do this in attempt to get more Horde to use it so it would gain traction and then get fixed.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it should be fixed too, but if you’re gonna complain about that other Horde are using it, maybe don’t go making tutorials on how to do it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I was refering to other bug reports about other issues, like the Baal quest, not to this specific thread. I should have been more clear I was talking about bug reports in general.

The video I was given and hosting was mistakenly set to unlisted and not private, that has been changed (I haven’t messed with YouTube in over a year so pretty rusty). The video was too large of a file to be sent through email at the request of a GM so I sent a link to the video instead. I also provided the link to a couple people who were submitting bug reports in-game if they saw the bug used. The video was never meant to be made public and for that I apologize.

I have no control over OP’s video, that’s his business.


Daily bump! Was used in Goldshire wm off this morning by a monk!

Please address this issue.

Bug still not fixed.


Still not fixed. Just happened again in DS

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How do you know where the person went? They probably had a arena que.

Follow ToS and report people for using exploits in-game.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


You tell us what you did since it was you that did it :slight_smile:


BUMP BUMP. Please fix ^-^


Still encountering this bug against horde raid groups fix would be awesome!

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Bug still being abused. Please fix!

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this bug still isn’t fixed

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BUMP still not fixed

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Bug still not fixed. Please take a look.

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Guess who’s back,
back again,
this girls back,
tell a friend.
time to bump, bump this post
please fix, fix this bug <3

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