Wrath of the Lich King Classic Hotfixes - Updated March 12

After several months of no updates (not counting the mount they put in then took back out), they quietly unpin the thread. It goes to show you how they’ve totally abandoned this game at this point.

Here’s an unnecessary response to an unnecessary response, and I’ll leave it in this time, just for you.

Imagine rereleasing an old expansion and the quality is considerably lower than the original and the publisher does not even bother. SOD is their “classic” focus for a while now and the classic team was small to begin with. There was little to no chance current wotlk issues would be addressed before cataclysm. They were done with the expansion after they released 3.3.0 content and band-aided only few of the many newly implemented issues.

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Not surprising honestly, they’re slowly making the transision to the Cataclysm forums.

Which boss are you talking about? Halion or LK? Because either is fine as far as I can tell.

That mount was for Retail, Classic got a pet.

Because Classic is a copy paste with little change while SoD is actually different, the changes made might not be much but it’s much more than any of the changes we’ve recieved in Classic progression servers so far. I’d say the closest thing we’ve got are the Titan Rune Dungeons.

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LK has no graphic for Remorseless Winter. It’s supposed to be a blinding blizzard. An iconic ability imo.

Sindragosa also still hasn’t re-gained her lost tail swipe.

Anyone home? Unpinning the hotfix thread is still wild. Could they say any more clearly how little they care about this game and its remaining players?

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Thats because WoTLK has run it’s course and doesn’t need anymore hotfixes unless players have reported something. Blizzard would rather just allow the game to sit till the reboot of Cata. then announce any hotfixes during the merger.

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My brother in Christ, I have to tell you, and I know this may shock you, but… players have not stopped reporting issues with the game.

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My comment still stands and Blizzard will not do anything to WoTLK with Cata’s reboot being this close. They might do or announce something a few days before Cata… just so they have everything in order before cata drops.

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Wrath is over. No more big hotfixes. Cata is there goal now.
Not that hard honestly

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Was hoping this being on top was them actually putting vday boss on rdf.


Nope they literally gave up on WotLK sorry

This is actually so insane to me. There’s no way I and many others are even doing this event unless they add a teleport to SFK

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March 12, 2024

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Fixed an issue with Piercing Shots, Deep Wounds, and Ignite that causes them to sometimes do too much damage to players.

is there more info on this? ignite seemed fine before, it didnt seem higher than what the talent specifies

All these months for 1 hotfix.