Wrath is P2W

Im not saying your guild doesnt, Im saying that GDKPs are doing the same content that you are, which means the efforts being put in are the same. Im not sure what your point was about working through a guild if the content is the exact same. If anything, MS>OS, HR and SR is more a target for what you said as they regularly dont down the content.

I’m going to swipe my way into Algalon 25 gear. Lazy, but sure af not broke irl

My point was, the OP stated: “you join a Loot Council guild and do favors for the raid leader on Discord so he gives you a chance to roll on your BiS against 4 other officers who don’t need it” – which means he does not want to work through a guild.

If you’re getting into a 25 algalon kill you’re going to be expected to try and not suck

Not if I pay enough.

The real question is, what do the carriers do with the money?

No matter how much you pay at this point in the expansion you will not be able to afk an algalon kill unless its by the top 1% guilds. At that point you’re not even doing a GDKP.

Big difference.

The real question is, what do the carriers do with the money?

They roll it over to next week, kind of obvious.

Many turn around and sell it.

Is that right?

Yes, and I believe you know that, and suspect that’s why you’re supportive of the system.

Show me these many that turn around and sell it

Numerous on both of the servers I play on. Going as far as server discord moderators who also happen to lead them.

So if I create a toon on your server, youll link the discords that show proof theyre selling it?

They’ll say it to you verbally given a reasonable enough level of comfort. And you may even go through with the deal.

Figured thats where this would lead to. They felt comfortable enough in saying it to you then I take it?

Lets say you are right in that there a couple groups that do this, do you understand what exception not the norm means?

Numerous friends of mine who inquired.

Figured thats where this would lead to. “Oh but yours is just anecdotal”, meanwhile Owns continues the 1 sentence useless responses

I mean you’re in here quite obvious not knowing how GDKPs even operate and throwing out accusations of gold buying just because people support the loot system. If some people hack arena does that mean all people hack arena? Just curious.

Weird and yet I’ve been running a guild all this time and gearing my raiders for free… Why didn’t anyone tell me I could charge them?

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I know numerous people who run GDKPs who sell the gold they make. How many groups do you know? In what world are you qualified to even begin to think you know what the “norm” is?