Wrath is Dead, bring us fresh vanilla

We’re really not asking for much, Blizzard.


Let them cook something interesting for SOM 2


I never got why so many people’s favorite expansion was wrath. I couldn’t get into it the first time around, assumed I was just missing something, tried going in with an open mind and again, just can’t get interested in it at all.

Give us TBC back please


Sucksss this sucks this sucks

Gg bros gg bro

Vanilla really is the best ice cream


always has been :icecream:


So you don’t want to do this stuff over and over again… you want to do other stuff over and over again?

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I don’t know how any sane person wants the class balance, world buffs or pvp of vanilla WoW.

Feels like I’m reading some kind of weird nut kicking kink forum.


That’s fine. Vanilla isn’t for you.

You can play cata, WoD som, etc


I’m honestly liking Wraith at the moment. The idea that it’s garbage compared to Vanilla is laughable at best.

We can all have opinions, but remember some people enjoy having their junk repeatedly kicked by a woman in heels. Half the classes in raids being warriors? That’s… pretty poor balance.

I mean getting gear is not interesting in wrath.

It practically showers you from the sky. There are no super interesting items like DFT or BRE, or even like DST from tbc.

Gold is way too easy to get, I have no need to farm anything. I need like 3 consumables for raid.

Sure if all y put enjoy is just mindlessly looting gear and hitting your rotations in raid it prolly feels good

People who dislike vanilla didn’t really take part in the fun parts of the game. And imo, if raiding is the most important thing to you, then vanilla isn’t for you.

Now you have DKs flooding the roster. How is that any diff than warrior in vanilla?

There was never equal balance across classes


I’m kinda thinking you are in the minority. I’m assuming most of us are still gearing up. I know I don’t have a whole lot of time to play, maybe a couple hours a day to do a few heroics for emblems/loot drops.

If you have that much time on your hands, then maybe you SHOULD find another game to play in between raids and stop trying to rush content for the rest of us…

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None of the items are all that interesting in classic either. The 20 warriors in the raid vying for the same BiS items isn’t terribly interesting.

I also don’t see much of a difference between getting blue pre-bis items from dungeond vs purple ones from dungeons and rep grinds.

There’s still interesting items and rare items. I haven’t seen my BiS main hand yet and I’ve only seen 1 priest token helm, 1 each of my BiS trinkets. Are they visually cool? Nah… but neither was the Claw of Chromaggus I got back in the day. I remember because it looked stupid.

My biggest gripe in vanilla is some specs were not viable… and not using the hyperbolic viable people like to use where x spec does 5% less damage… but just not meant to function specs.

I think that’s inexcusable from a design perspective.

I mean I understand what you’re saying but this is why vanilla isn’t your game. Again we are still taking about raid viability and items.

This isn’t really what repeat vanilla players play for.

There are still unviable raid specs in wrath. Or at least terribly weak specs.

Claw isn’t the most impressive compared to lok Amir or bre/dark edge.

People play vanilla because there is a lot going on outside of raiding/gearing. I wouldn’t play it if there wasn’t


you just don’t have sophisticated taste.


What is there that you don’t have in Wrath? A long leveling journey? Massive multi hour dungeons? Gold grinds? Considering how many people in Classic just paid for gold and boosting services I don’t even think the core audience of Classic liked it.

The one thing I wish didn’t change was recipes dropping from bosses. Feels kinda meh just buying my recipes.

wah, my pvp spec doesn’t work in end game raiding. wah.


“Waah I wanna go back to vanilla so I can press 1 button and pretend I’m not a scrublord.”

Consume farming is a lot of fun for many. Vanilla has tons, wrsth has a bunch that no one even needs to use nor farm because again, gold is too easy.

I made all my gold in ungoro, which involved a lot of wpvp and a commitment

It is the same for lotus and elements farming.

Ranking isn’t a good system, but the drama and games that come from it are a lot of fun

World buffs gave you a reason to bomb guilds with them. They gave you a reason to try to not die which is fun content for many.

If I die in wrath I simply eat fish feast that is always free for me, my flask is still up and I just prepot.

Bug wars in silithus

Brm pvp

Looting something like edgemasters from a satyr in felwood and realizing you just made 4k gold

Wintergrasp just doesn’t scratch the itch