Wrath community is toxic as heck

So I tried a gamma tonight… things going fine till pull right before first boss… Healer gets MCed and destroyed by hunter and moonkin aoeing…I said poor healer…they type up a huge rant about how I’m such a fing horrible tank and person and to get out of thier group cause I’m not even using my buffs… and kick me beforei can even type…Im like wut…I whispered him told him he died to mc sent him the log showing it and it take 15 mins before he said well sorry but your still horrible for letting me get mced

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Paragraphs and punctuation will help convey your statement better than misused ellipses and run on sentences.

There is also already a thread on this topic (that you made, currently right under this one) so you have invited yourself to be flagged for spam as well.

Best of luck on your future groups, hope they all go smoother with more laid back chill party members.


This isn’t unique to wrath.


Its certainly not a thing that is common in era

if a group leader could instantly replace anyone and they got teleported to the dungeon, yeah it would be hella common in Era.

Well yeah, era is a relatively small population with no RFD. Of course it won’t be as bad. But if you played original wrath or anything since then you’d see that this type of behavior is basically to be expected.

Era has more players than wrath…the servers are full wrath servers are not

Got some sources?

Era doesn’t have Mythic dungeons. With e-sport design comes more toxicity.


No it doesn’t.

sees 40 posts

Oh… that explains everything.

RDF became more proof that the community isn’t as good as it pretended to be. People took the masks off, like splicers in bioshock. People blame RDF, but it’s the players that are truly rotten.

My recent thread is also proving things. A thread intended to talk about cataclysm has quickly been turned into a giant bait trap for trolls instead. Was never my intent. Hopefully the mods will take the proper actions, which sadly, is quite rare.

It already has. It’s falsely flagged instead of the trolling responses that actually need flagging. The only question now is whether Blizzard will properly enforce their rules or attack dog the wrong person.


Looks like you created another thread about how toxic wrath community is.


Happy to see you’ve taken our advice and moved to Gamma’s instead of trying to get into ICC 10 at 232. :slight_smile:

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No it really isn’t, at least not the things you are gonna claim.

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Well First here’s the thing And I think it’s something people forget the wow Player base has always been toxic.

I was playing back in 2004 We have more information Things are figured out But that is one thing that has never changed as the fact that the wow Playerbase is still toxic.

And I’ll say it the reason i’m not enjoying wrath As much as I could it has absolutely nothing to do with the game itself It is 100% Because of the player base.

I gotta say that’s really bad though you are the tank They still booted you wow And people ask why a lot of people don’t like to tank that’s interesting.

2 It’s a final evolution of the classic wild community in Classic things were well easy so people introduced the concept of speed running It was the wb Meta and the how many fury warriors can we stack.

Tbc Things got harder so that was when gdkps Started to get really popular because of the amount of gold. You needed to farm the stupid consumables where that be resist sets or whatever.

In wrath you have gdkps and Everybody wanting to push everything as fast as humanly possible Heck with common sense I want my parces and big Numbers heaven forbid we care about actually killing the boss.

What’s kind of actually sad? And i’m very certain about this speaking someone that plays both Classic players mid max more than Dragon flight players do The big differences you need to mid max to kill the boss.

Because you have to care about the mechanics a lot more Like I said i’m very interested to see how cata Goes.


So Wrath is just like every other WoW server? Thanks for the info.

God you guys are ruthless. But yes, we are infact toxic.

How many fake posts are you gonna make about wrath pugs?

It was a commonly held joke back in the day that if the group wiped, you blamed the Healer. No matter whose fault it was.

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