Wrath Classic needs Mogs

Yes. :man_shrugging:

Regardless of anything it is highly unlikely they will add transmog to wotlk classic anyway so it doesn’t really matter what anyone thinks. You would need some pretty good justification for adding it because not adding it is already justified by not changing things.

Really Worse than Garrison’s and all the borrowed power systems in BFA And shadowlands ?


Mogs are terrible and only promote dress up barbie game mentality.


mogs are the wrong mini game to ever reintroduce.

Mogging is fine but I would leave that for Cata. Give something for most players to get excited about for Cata Classic,

mogs do affect the game. it makes me care less about the loot I earned bc a noob in greens looks like a god next to me when they haven’t done any current raiding. visual hierarchy matters. those who do the hardest CURRENT content should always look better than the guy who only plays 3 hours a week.

its part of what incentivizes players to join guilds and raid.

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But that’s all perspective I mean depending on the class that you play you may like or hate Your tearpieces I mean for me personally I play a paladin.

I mean if we’re going by tbc none of them look bad But if I’m being honest personally I would probably transmog At least my tier 8 and 10 for sure I absolutely despise the way those look and if we’re talking about rogue.

I think blood thing looks better than anything That they made for rogue for wrath or for tbc.

On top of that if we really want to be technical about blizzards cough cough pillars If transmug literally supports 2 and a 1/2 of them.

Nurture and protect social experiences To go back to old raids you at least need a group of 3 people to solo even at level 80 bosses like.

Rag Approachable Transmongous a very easy system to understand And the world is the main character it gives you another reason to go back to those old zones the only one that it technically would go against.

If would be familiar because it wasn’t an original wrath But if we’re going to make that argument neither was the group finder And lfd was.

So I would say transmog is completely fine in classic wrath.

No I could justify it very easily because it supports Youth to an half of the pillars that they want to support.

Nurture and protect social experiences Approachable And the world is the main character.

It supports If those aspects how simple Transmog gives you a reason to want to group up with people to run old rates And yes even at level 80 there is a lot of stuff we can solo but you’re not going to yield a kill.

Nafarian by yourself Just if no other reason because of the 1st boss in BWL you literally cannot solo that even in retail now you cannot solo that.

So it gives you a Reason to want to group up with other people The world is the main character well simple all those old instances are all in the old world and in TBC too.

And approachable If transmog is a very easy system to understand If the only thing technically it goes against would be familiar because it’s Wasn’t an original wrath.

On top of that this would play very nicely enter the Revamps of heroics or whatever they’re going to do with them later on this would give people a reason to do other challenges without increasing player power.

And make it not required If so yet those would be my justifications for transmog.