Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Wrath was made in 2008, so the game has already been made, and classic is “supposed” to be a re-creation of that world with more modern coding. This isn’t what we’re getting with a whole slew of things that have changed, all borrowed from retail, as it’s written on retail code. You don’t have to like RDF/LFD, but arguing that this Wrath Retail release is anything other than retail pared down for Northrend at this point, is absurd. You don’t want RDF, maybe help us and let’s push Blizz to release servers with and without it (SoM style) and see which one lasts. It won’t matter the reasons, but we all know which one would last.

We are literally arguing for a faithful recreation of Wrath. Don’t add RDF till ICC, idgaf, just add it AT SOME POINT. Keep it as faithful to the entire expansion experience. You anti-rdf’ers can raid log and min/max to your hearts content, and when RDF drops with ICC (which I still hope it does) I’ll be sitting there with my popcorn watching all of you anti-rdfers either quit, or use the tool.

I think we know which of those two will happen, if, they add it.


It’s a running meme on pservers. They will unfortunately still be offering the more genuine option if you are looking to relive wrath of the lich king. Only blizzard, lol.


I’ve been a WoW player since 2006-07, so having classic has been a total blast. Had to take a break for a couple of years due to RL, but I’m making the return for Wrath.

I’m having a ton of fun and have embraced the #somechanges mentality for the most part. My only real quarrel is with the AH throttling that Blizz implemented.

I understand the reasons for it, but there has to be a better way to mitigate addon abuse. Sure it makes it difficult for AH bots and abusers to function, but it really affects the average person so much more.

for 14 years I didn’t have any issues using the AH. It was actually something fun to do. I would look forward to utilizing it to make money and reap the benefits of the professions that I spent hours leveling up. I have a degree in Economics and I actually used the WoW AH as a topic of discussion in one of my classes when I was in college because psychology, bidding strategies, etc hold true to the microeconomy of WoW as well.

I was shocked to come back to my Classic server and see the status of the AH. I used Auctionator to scan the price of ores and gems to flip with prospecting. I encountered my first error when buying some ore. You need 5 ore to prospect, so I needed to buy quite a bit. I started encountering auction buyout errors after about 30 seconds. What would have taken me 2 minutes before throttling took about 10.

My second error occurred when posting the gems that I had prospected. what should have taken me 5 minutes took me 30. I could only post a few auctions a minute and it’s to the point where it’s unusable.

I’m an old man now, I don’t have the time I used to and honestly it’s been extremely frustrating. Players are bottlenecked into using addons like Auctionator and TSM because sorting through and posting auctions is extremely inefficient with the Vanilla AH setup. People are more inclined to buy stacks of 1 because they can see unit price much easier and depending on what you’re selling they might not want a full stack of 20.

Just implement the new AH instead of making people who aren’t abusing addons suffer. It’s a trainwreck. All I want to do is to make a bit of gold to obtain flying / prep for leveling and Wrath end content.

I had the same problems with auctions going up in bursts of 1-5 a couple months into SoM and that is when I stopped playing it. Never even occurred to me it might have been throttling I assumed blizzard servers were getting hammered.

Allow us to freeze our character’s to the desired expansion please. I am absolutely not playing anything from Cata and on. Allow us to have the option. Thanks.

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How in the world does making a new server invigorate lower dungeons for anyone who’s done leveling?

You either make the tool to allow cross realm grouping (doesn’t have to be automated, can restrict just like a normal group to running that heroic 1 time per day), or you fail. Period. Your lower pop servers will die. And the gatekeepers in the higher pop realms will do just that. And then it will be raid logs only.

On another note - Holding an actual VOTE on this in-game would prove that this is not an active user thing, but an actual blizzard feeling, and being pulled by blizzard, not the community. Emailing a poll doesn’t. Poll that actual active players, not an email someone overlooked.


So if I purchased this in prepatch, when will it actually happen…name not changed and paid already…

Something I’m still curious about is Armor Proficiencies. This was added early in Wrath/end of T7 to ensure players stayed to their Armor Types by giving a bonus to your primary stat Str/Agi/Int. Is this something that’s coming at all or not at all?

Also not happy about the LFG dungeon finder changes. Speaking as somebody perhaps not as social as other members in my guild, I remember it being a lifesaver back in wrath. It gave me the opportunity to experience lots of content that I otherwise would not - and the same would be true this time around.

I also queued up with friends when I was able, so no social aspect was lost. In fact, I recall several dungeon groups where I met new friends from around the world and we added each other to friends lists depending on how fun/smooth the group run was.

I get the classic andy approach on how it can take away some of the social aspects compared to classic vanilla/tbc, but I think you’re all remembering it through rose-tinted goggles. Having no LFG tool is taking away one of my favourite aspects of wrath and is going to make the game considerably less enjoyable for me.


One example of lost nostalgia - I’ve seen everywhere those “that feeling you get when you see this” and it’s the loading screen for The Occulus. Yea, that will never happen again without the LFG tool. Big part of the wrath nostalgia simply lost, not to be re-experienced (which is the whole point of classic WoW).

And for people that want to be social and group up with their friends or people you find yourself - this would still be compatible with the tool by simply forming your group and then queuing up. It essentially becomes a free port. Removing the tool just serves no purpose.


How about this? RDF for everything up until level 60+ dungeons?

Lower level players (particularly whoever the minority faction on a server is, typically Alliance) have to go through hell and back to find a full group to even be bothered with that content in the first place.

It’s absurd! The nerf to experience by having a high level player simply carry us through is a thing that is REQUIRED on lower population servers because there’s little to no traffic of appropriate level players also doing any particular dungeon(s) at the same time.

I would absolutely love to do group content but the reality is that the timing between players is just not there when left to advertising in the LookingForGroup channel. Hell, using the current tool is pointless since so many people I am finding are just afk/tabbed out and not paying attention because they’ve resigned to the fact it’s a token gesture and almost never going to actually result in a full group that will even get to the start of things.

Questing is fine and all but if I don’t break the tedium on my alts which are classes that are traditionally slow to level solo on, I’m ready to rip what hair I have left out of my head!

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Open up server space for realms, we should not have 5k plus queue’s on a launch of the OLD game we all knew was gonna be popular.

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Armor proficiency came at 4.0 so unlikely to come any time soon

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Yeah sure. :roll_eyes: I’m wondering now how much fresh air you actually get in a day.

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So, paid for micro transaction service == in.
and, baseline unpaid for game feature == out.

Tks for making Blizzards priorities abundantly clear.

I’m not strongly for or against the RDF decision (or that interested in the topic), but I think Blizzard and the pro RDF crowd have missed a trick here - petition to make the RDF a paid for micro transaction unlock (like race change) and I reckon Blizzard may reconsider it ;p

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Glad to see Blizzard doubling down on no RDF, I was going to stop playing Classic once they announced Wrath because of RDF. RDF has no place in WoW. Classic thrives off its community, and I’ve met so many great people, and jackasses as a result (The fact is I can remember these people, and what they’re like, makes you feel like you’re actually a part of the world). While retail on the other hand, with its heavy use of RDF, LFR, ETC, there is really no community, just see people, maybe get one sociable person if the stars all align, its a very boring and dull experience.

RDF was not the issue in the Wrath. The world was still very active and anyone who claims it wasn’t did not play or are trying to push their narrative. The issues came later when CRZ and layering were added. It was at this point you never saw anyone you knew because random people were always being loaded in.

I think Blizz needs to re-think their decision on RDF. Once the initial rush is gone, everyone knows that several of the servers will be impossible to find groups due to population issues. Opening up the pool of players will help and everyone knows it.


Give Angerforge and other newest servers at least 1 more week of JJ!

Wondering when you will listen to the community and find a solution to the rdf problem. best solution ive seen is to battle group the pvp servers together and make them RDF Free. battlegroup the normal servers together WITH RDF. simple elegant solution and a majority of your community from both sides of the fence wins.

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Prbly when u stop acting like they are not listening just cause you want rdf.

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