Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

They should be able to work around boosts and exploits. It’s 2022, sort it out and take my money Blizzard.

Jsut gonna leave this here so I can edit it once blizzard caves

“Welp this game isn’t made for you anymore. Classics over there I guess”

Prospects. Which isn’t the same. That’s pretty obvious

Have you ever heard the phrase “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”? You’re a bird in the bush.

I was in the hand, till Blizzard removed RDF. Your argument makes no sense.


I think Nyseine is essentially saying that they believe their opinion counts to Blizzard, but they don’t believe your opinion should count.

It’s weird though because they enjoy the game without QOL features so much, like vanilla and TBC. When it comes time to move on to a classic expansion that DID have QOL features, they complain and want it changed to be like vanilla instead of playing on the vanilla servers.

Every expansion has its own design philosophy. It’s weird they feel justified to try apply vanilla philosophy to WOTLK. Many of us were excited to play WOTLK because we liked it. The classic Andys want to change WOTLK to be more like vanilla and they don’t want us WOTLK people to play with them if we’re going to ask for WOTLK to be WOTLK and not a vanilla version of WOTLK.

As a retail player who also played WOTLK, I’m coming back to WOTLK and don’t care about about DF. The reason I don’t like retail that much has nothing to do with RDF, but the overly complicated class designs, rotations, and too many raid mechanics that allow a single player’s mistake to wipe the whole raid.


Technically, no. But full well knowing sometime in the future we get account wide mounts and taking mounts on your alt over someone else when you already have the mount on your account in some capacity makes you a POS. Nothing anyone says will change my mind on that fact.

Youre inferring you dont play tbcc

you said above you didnt play tbcc, so no you were not in fact “in the hand” in any sense.

Thats not true i believe as a current long time player my opinion counts for more, and generally youd see thats true. I said “a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush” not “a bird in the hand is all you should care about and completely ignore any number in the bush”.

Clearly here they have weighed out what is important to them and either they dont beileve enough of you exist “in the bush” OR that you wont stay as long as someone like me, regardless of how much you promise you’ll play. more likely the latter in my opinion.

Very true, they do not see their own selfish behavior.

Nothing selfish about it. Games cant be made for everyone, and if you dont like the direction design has been specifically taken in, theres nothing “selfish” about it not being made for you.

So, its been a while, the no RDF joke is gone on long enough, everyone is asking for it, just let us have it already.


nope! see you in northrend.

plenty of people are coming back for wrath and dont care about rdf. I’d love to play with you in the game dynamic that ive been playing in for the last 3 years <3

Yes they have, Money. Corporate greed is behind ruining Wrath. Far less people would buy boosts if leveling was fun.

Do you really think you are the only long time player, that your opinion should be the only one that counts. I think you just do not realize you may be that toxic player that you do not like.

Look in the mirror…


Look again

You seem to be cut from that same cloth of arrogance that made people at Blizzard think it would be ok to change The best expansion they ever released.

Look in the mirror again.

The one positive thing I can say about you is you seem to be at least somewhat honest, who would type this if they were not…

It was made for players like me, that is why we are here complaining that it is being changed to something different.

Is there any way you can keep the splash screen up after starting WOLC in Battlenet? I have to cancel the startup just so I can watch Sindragosa enter from behind Icecrown and then land and let out her roar.

oh man i really pushed your buttons didnt I

not anymore! gg ez. See you in northrend hun

unfortunately here im not saying it should would or could, im saying, currently it does. because it does here, clearly lol. go ahead and log in and try to que in game. i can tell youre triggered tho. the good news is, they may change it, but if they do it will most certainly come after phase 1 which is the only phase most players like me care about it being in game. the best choice they could make from a money standpoint is putting it in game at phase three when toc comes out tbh.

Im really enjoying how entitled you are and how much i was able to piss you off that you would spam quote something arbitrarily true at the moment.

Probably not, I have 19 days left to complain on the forums. If RDF is not announced by then I will not resub.

Not really, just pointing out what you typed.

that would be fine, if I knew it was coming I would have a reason to continue playing.

I am entitled for wanting what I payed for ? I payed for WOTLK Classic not Vanilla or TBC, those xpacs hold zero interest for me.

How do you not understand, Blizzard has removed the expansion defining feature from WOTLK. I have no interest in playing this game without it.

so you didnt play and you’ll continue to not play? okay no loss.

what i typed 8 times?

if you check my history of posts you can see ive always supported phase 1 lvling rdf and phase 3 heroic rdf. phase 1 rdf is the only thing i have a major issue with.

these announcements were made in june. months ago. generally you should do your homework if you are going to jump into a currently running game. especially since rdf wasnt in retail wotlk from launch.

those expacs have a current playerbase blizzard is more interested in retaining, “the birds in hand”

that was in 25% of the content as a catchup mechanic?

is a stretch.

like i said, youre not even a calculated loss, you are no loss.

Half the expansion.

You cannot post on the forums without active game time. I am playing now, Hoping an announcement will be made before my time ends.

Yes, you are blind to your own arrogance as indicated by many of your other posts.

You typed

and then suggested I am entitled. It is human nature to be blind to your own faults, I held up a mirror for you and you still cannot see yourself.

a quarter of the expansion was an unplanned content drought, because cata got pushed forward. as planned it would have been 25% of timeline AND content, similar to LFR in cata.

so i never said it should be that way, im pointing it out because you are clearly just blind to reality

You are entitled.

imagine projecting this hard. You are the only one talking here about how things should be. Ive given no such opinion so its definitionally impossible for anything ive said to be entitled, because entitlement is an opinion on how things should be.

Does it hurt you that my opinion is being held in higher regard to blizzard? does it make you want to punch drywall? do you hate it? hate that they’re willing to let you go your way in order to retain me? How does it make you feel Kyle?