Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Yea definitely understood! I hate that the community is so split over something, and it causes all these weird fights in the forums.

I’m a big proponent of giving people choices. Like in hindsight if Blizzard could have taken X numbers of realms and treated them as like “wrath with RFD” servers and connected them all, and then left other realms in place unconnected with no RFD type thing. I think that would have been a pretty agreeable solution to a lot of people, and potentially would have alleviated some of the mega server issues we’re seeing today.

Here’s to hoping they come up with something that will make both sides a little happier.

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According to that chart, the game was becoming popular since it came out, then when wrath launched it peaked, but the cool thing is, it retained sub numbers the entire expansion, even between content patches, which means obviously people didn’t tire of it. And then around the time ICC came out, and when RDF was added, the number went up slightly. Then come cata, people tried it and quit, then ever since the only population spurts are when an expansion is launched, but they fall off. Wrath was the only expansion that retained people the entire time consistently, it was litterally the peak of the games lifespan by all metrics.


I mean they could just add RDF and let the people who want to use it use it and the people who don’t can stick to chat and the LFG Tool.

That said there’s a number of changes that could be made to RDF that would let it fulfill it’s primary purpose and address most of the complaints about it.


I definitely understand that sentiment, and I personally agree. I don’t now if it’s an easy thing to turn on/off at all, but could have been something they tired to go with first and if it really caused all the bad side effects people are worried about, maybe then they could have adjusted. I would have preferred that approach for sure.

I also understand the other side has a bit of a point that if it’s available, it will reduce the number of people who use other means to form groups, and they’re worried that will snowball into nobody using other means.

Agreed that some tweaks to the system instead of a hard no would have been better, all I hope now is we can convince them to implement it some point down the road!

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This is called gaslighting and it’s legitimate harassment.


nope! its not. Feel free to report tho, and we can let the mods make that decision.

Gaslighting is when someone has a problem and you tell them that problem is in their head made up and insinuate they are halucinating it. its usually attempting to use someones neurodivergency against them, but can be used in any situation where you make someone believe that their complaints are a hallucination.
Which isnt at all whats going on there btw.

The mods love gas lighting. It’s their literal job on here.


Yes, it absolutely is. You’ve been on here for hours trolling, maybe you need to stop.


or not, thanks tho! also i havent been trolling.

i agree completely.

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My server is insanely unbalanced, I’m talking like a 90/10 split in favour of alliance… Can we get this change sooner…

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Dude, my sides.

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Feel free to point out the parts that are apparently in need of cooling.

Don’t tell me what I believe. If you don’t want a feature, you don’t need to use it. If you are against flying or rdf, but would fly or use rdf if in the game, then your opinion is worthless, because even you don’t believe it.


Just adding my voice to the controversy, I personally will not be subbing to Wrath if there is no Dungeon Finder.


See u in northrend comrade

Not if they remove any extra rewards from it and put the emblems back in the daily quests. Strip it down to just the automated matchmaking system so no one feels compelled to use it to keep with gear progression and let the haters form their own groups.

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Yes, but without RDF, I will only be healing in full guild groups. No pugs allowed!



The addition of LFD could easily mitigate their server population issues, but the Devs aren’t ready to have that discussion yet.





  1. fall or drop straight down at high speed.

  2. decrease rapidly in value or amount.

I’m using the second value. Going from 12 million subs to 1.7 mil qualifies as that. But I assume you’re American, so forgive your poor understanding of anything <2