Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Ok fine, let’s keep heroics server only since people only need to do them like once a week or something. Sucks if you’re on a non-mega server but if it’s just a weekly thing you would eventually get it done I guess. But for the normals, having a better queue system would keep the content alive and eliminate a lot of pain in the arseness. RDF is especially good for alts, it really made the whole alt idea more viable, and frankly pretty fun. They could have litterally appeased everyone by just releasing stuff at the same point it was released before, that way everyone got a chance to have their cake and eat it, and no one would be surprised because we can google what came out with what patch.

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They should #nomoreservers and fix all these issues with 1 fell swoop relieving the pressure for RDF as well.

1000% agree, in support of it.

this is true! but in order for me to be willing to play cataclysm classic theyd have to promise no heroic rdfs for phase 1 cata.

They could easily come out and say “RDF will be unlocked Phase 2 for every classic expansion for heroics” and everyone would be happy. <— also this would be an upgrade to any vanilla SOM or TBC som i could get behind.

Theyd also have to announce no LFR for cata in any way shape or form to get me to play but that goes without saying

man i like talking about how things could work out and ways to make the game better actually. people act is if i like bullheading back the “no compromises” rdf people

I may enjoy antagonizing them a little bit

So? I am not defending a person I am defending the idea which is not their own. I probably would worry less about winning some sort of competition and just stick to your points. Because going after the messager is a bad take.

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It’s weird that you’re writing this as if the comment you’re responding to was a reply to you. That besides, I’m capable of both dealing with arguments in a vacuum in addition to pointing out relevant facts about the messenger. Who that messenger is does matter if they habitually engage in bad faith argumentation, which is the case here. When you have an agenda instead of reasoning who you are becomes relevant.

If you want your person to be irrelevant then stick to clean living: no intentional misrepresentation, no fallacies, and with an earnestness to all your arguments alongside a genuine effort to maintain a internal consistency to your own positions. But one of the greatest weapons of bad faith interlocutors is Brandolini’s Law in addition to that they have no corrective mechanism to their thought processes. They have no intention of no capacity to every concede their position. Even if they actually feel they’re wrong at any point they will never redact their position for any reason. The only way to deal with such a person is to refuse to play their game until they reckon with their transgressions, which requires that you acknowledge the person and their history in addition to their immediate argument.

You seem a little to invested in this video game situation to have a civilized conversation with. I will let you cool down.

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Huh? Are you another person out here that literally can’t read a simple graph? Like I wasn’t even here to argue with you, but use your brain.

Chart below literally shows they were stagnant essentailly all of wrath until the end and into cata, and that was the peak. That’s what I said, and it is true. I never said they went down…that’s just you projecting because you assumed I didn’t want RDF because I disagreed with your interpretation of numbers. I still disagree with your interpretation.


All I’ve ever said was you cannot pinpoint one particular thing and say that’s the cause of anything related to sub numbers. Literally impossible, there are way too factors to consider period. This doesn’t prove or disprove anything either way.

That’s not pro or anti RDF, that’s understanding there are so many factors that you can’t figure this out. This is why in economics we use the term ceteris paribus or “holding other things constant.” This means when trying to determine what effect something had on another thing, you can only move one thing at a time to try and understand the impact, otherwise you can never prove or disprove that the other factor(s) came into effect.

I’m literally in favor of it and want it added. Sorry I pointed out you’re wrong, but you were and are wrong.

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The chart literally shows subs higher at the end of the Wrath than at the beginning. So thanks for proving my point.

And you continue to try to change the subject from LFD because you have absolutely zero argument against it.

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Do you understand that “all through wrath” is not the same as one increase in one data point at the end of an xpac when a new one is announced? Again, use your brain.

Why would I argue against something I’m in favor of?

Read things people write, stop getting so upset by words, and lastly…use your brain.

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I said subs rose throughout Wrath. Subs did indeed rise throughout Wrath.

I said subs didn’t drop until a little into Cata. The chart confirms subs didn’t drop until a little into Cata.

Thank you for proving I was 100% correct. Which I already knew.

And you still continue to try to change the subject, since you have made zero argument against LFD…because there isn’t one.

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Woah that’s a good chart. Looks like even though there was a super long content drought for like a year, the subs stayed the same and even increased slightly. That’s unheard of. Looks like when cata dropped people didn’t like cata and quit.


It’s always hysterical when anti-lfd posters make charts that disprove their claims.

Claims that, by the way, have nothing to do with LFD.


Any word on when this feedback will actually be considered? Has been clear concise feedback given since before tbc classic launched and blizz has yet to do a single thing that was the most widely popular option. It makes no sense at all unless you consider they get 20x junk feedback from botters to push their agenda with more weight and blizz is too incometant to spot the difference. “See no one wants RDF, Mcboostyfrost says so and his entire guild Seeling buusts agrees wow!”

Absolute clowns, and since it apparently needs stated I think my PVP experience being bannable at the whim of others is a pretty awful take.

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No. Subs rose at the end of wrath with the cata announcement. That is not the same.

I never disagreed with you, but I have seen other charts that show a slight dip in sub numbers in early-ish wrath.

You were not, and are not.

So you refuse to read the part where I keep saying I am not against RDF? For the third time, I’m not arguing against RDF. I’m just arguing against your interpretation of numbers, because you have not used your brain when reading them.

I completely agree, as I’ve also explained, no one can claim sub numbers were effected either way by RDF.

There is no dip in that chart. Subs rose throughout Wrath and didn’t drop until Cata. The very chart you keep referencing says this.

And it still continues to be completely meaningless. ‘Death Knights caused the subs in Wrath to only moderately rise’. I’ve just made the exact same argument you’ve made. And it’s a ridiculously stupid one.

Maybe one day you’ll actually make a post about lfd.


Yea for sure! I know I was one of those people in Cata that dropped off, but it had nothing to do with the game at all, just life.

My actual opinion on the sub numbers is people didn’t like the big increase in raid diffuculty back then, the re-released Rag was considered the hardest boss ever for quite some time. But it’s just my hunch, can’t prove it either way.

I just like talking about it with people who also find it interesting, but I guess this thread is about RDF and I went a little on a tangent :slight_smile:


I said I have seen a dip in OTHER charts. Do you even read before you post or you’re typing so angrily you don’t even read?

I didn’t make that argument. Ever. Not in this thread or anywhere else.

Again, maybe you’ll read it this time, I said nobody can use sub numbers to argue causation either way.

I have literally made multiple other posts arguing for RDF, including arguing against people who tried to use the same sub numbers to argue RDF was what caused subs to drop.

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Most of this blue post is basically RDF discussion because it’s pretty much the major thing that’s annoying the most players, or the lack of it, given the patch they are releasing us in and them straight up saying it will never be added per their current plans. Well it’s mainly the lead dev, as the rest of them are split on it and he’s kind of the one in charge leading this the way it’s going in terms of classic vs Original experiance.

You now have some other issues like queue times, the removal of PvP queueing from anywhere, etc, but The RFD issue has been the hot topic for months. People are just flabergasted at WHY they are doing all of this and triple downing on it knowing full well it’s unpopular.


He literally doesnt read people’s posts. youve said youre pro RDF like 4 times now.

That’s nice and all it says to me is you’re here to argue. I’m here to speak truths. Subs rose throughout Wrath. They fell a little ways into Cata. I’m not voicing an opinion. I’m not trying to win an argument. I’m stating facts.

You’re the one who said they rose near the end of Wrath. On your little chart they rose right at the start of 2010. You know what launched December 2009? RDF! But I’m not arguing it had anything to do with it because it doesn’t matter. I don’t care if subs doubled. I don’t care if subs dropped to 1 million. It has nothing to do with anything.

I care about RDF, and how it impacted the game. How it made content accessible and convenient. It opened up the game to millions of players. It brought players together. It allowed players to travel the world, go back to old world while queued. Work on achievements. All the while while queued. It gave amazing freedom and power to the players.

And that’s all been taken away so I can stare at LFG spam of gearscores for hours. Then make a sandwich while I wait for 2 people to run to the portal to summon me.

Removing it is completely idiotic, breaks the game, reduces authenticity, and takes away what I enjoyed most (dungeons).