Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Pretty clearly i play this game to enjoy it, i dont want it in phase 1 because i wont enjoy it. Pretty uh Selfish of you to want to RUIN MY EXPERIENCE by asking for it. lololol this is such a silly arguement

oh you mean the ones actively playing tbcc into wotlkc? or the enigmas who “may come back but wont without x feature” youre right i dont care about them.

I dont need to, blizzard is clearly making this game for me and people like me! :smiley:

Gonna need proof from actual people actively playing the game

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Why do you guys care who we talk to so badly.
What’s in it for you? Seriously don’t understand, why can’t you guys let us have ways to group easier lmao. If you aren’t
help me do dungeons then the dungeon finder will.


They are masochists who think because they play on a 400 person server with no queue they are entitled to sit on a pedestal and dictate how other people play.

Generally they have no friends, a half dead guild and haven’t done anything past Phase 1 content.

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I Play on Whitemane, have a ton of post content clears helping friends gear, cleared SWP prenerf on multiple toons, have a phase 5 World Rank 1 on Illidan (which is currently rank 8 i think)

I think your mixing me into a conversation I am not part of in this thread dog.

There are literally hundreds of posts and thousands of replies on the official forums asking for it (paying subs). Far FAR more lately than those against it. There is a handful of people defending not having it. One post I counted the same 5 people 90 times. Yet the majority of the people posting on unique characters were for it.

At this point reading your post history it is clearly delusional anymore. You can continue to argue but you have failed in multiple threads to provide and fact based arguments and haven chosen to side with the type ideals that support things like discrimination. How very tacky of you to be enforcing exclusion based on peoples beliefs or capabilities. You make it more clear every comment what type of person you are.


Not data. Not a poll. Go and tally all of them together with likes for and against. come back lawl, and then we can talk about confirmation bias and how people with something to lose are far more likely to seek releif than people whos needs are met.

im not sure about that one chief

I dont know whether to be creeped out or feel special


“We know you all hate this system and are all begging for the original system, butttttttttttttttttttttt we’d rather you use this system we built with our ginormous egos.”


The fact that you think losing a system in a video game is an attack depriving you, or that people who dont want that system are an endemic threat to you or are bad actors harming others is indicative that you need some serious help.

To be fair I don’t really have a stake either way as I have played since Beta 2. A group of people asked me to come to the forums because of some of what people like you are doing to the community in request that some published material would follow up. It actually has turned into an interesting psychological look at both sides of the spectrum.

It is the people against it that are far more aggressive in their fighting to keep exclusion going. You in particular are a very interesting subject on the matter and will be fun to include in future material. :wink:


absolutely not, if you DID read my post history youd see i very much support the fact that people who want rdf have real meaningful reasons to want it and have illustrated the many ways i would be 1000% okay with compromising. i dont understand your point here.

It very clear here that pro rdfers are far more toxic, indicating that they are being deprived of rights and that if you support the removal of rdf you pose an endimic threat and direct harm to others playing the game.

This is probably the funniest thing ive read all day tbh and ive read some rediculous things.

Someone never came to the forums in 2005.

You reply with “I” when I was making a comment about “people”. That was not directed at you but was a general comment. Since you took it personally though…

Are you dumb? Legitimate question Read your previous post. really slowly

And then read this

Imagine not knowing what you wrote in the 5 seconds after you wrote it.

Every chart shows subs rising throughout Wrath and into Cata. It never dropped until a little into Cata.

And once again trying to change the subject. One could just as easily say, “Subs declined because death knights were added to the game.”

It’s just a distraction by people who have no argument against RDF.


imagine being this dense.

Please google the words “Growth” and “Velocity”

RDF never was for end game progression. Yeah, it allowed you to more easily do your weekly heroics but other than that, for raiding it was still server and guild specific. Raid finder didn’t come out until cata and basically no one on the Pro-RDF side even wants raid finder so it really does not even turn into any sort of slippery slope. People just want to level alts in a different way and they want to actually be able to find groups for pre-raid gear farming in a timely manner instead of supporting the whole pay a tank thing or the whole spam lfg chat and afk in a major city for hours at a time. At the slowest point in wrath the queues for DPS were like 30 minutes which is still faster than now when you take into account travel time and everything else.

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it would be if it existed in phase 1.

100% okay with both of those. see RDF for normals, and RDF phase 3:

You dont need it for preraidgearfarming in phase 1 because everyones running heroics tons, its a large portion of the endgame at that point.

Im also fine with it existing in phase 1 for heroics in an extremely nerfed state where im not forced to do it and it presents an equal alternative to manual grouping. there should be upsides and downsides to be in that case.

nahw it was far higher in some battlegroups, it was constrained to battlegroup at the time.

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