Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

They were active raiders in Classic…leveled up in TBCC but found trying to pug heroics a waste of time and left and were about to come back for Wrath.


Yeah i kinda figured as much. thanks for being straightforward with me.

Guilty! Ok, technically it will be two because I have friends on two different servers I’m going to play with and I can boost the second. But before they announced the removal of RDF the intention and dream for all of Classic has been to recreate the memories I have from the original run of Wrath when I actually enjoyed leveling for the first time in 6 years since I did it the first time at the start of vanilla. Well, since I did it the second time I guess since leveling through the Alliance zones the first time was also enjoyable. So maybe ~5.5ish years between the introduction of RDF and the last time I had enjoyed leveling.

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Dear Blizzard, Put RDF in patch 3.3.0 like it’s supposed to be.
If people don’t like it, make it so certain servers don’t have RDF, and let them play the way they want to play. The majority of the community wants RDF.


That’s just it. I have always been short on badges and never really been ready gear wise because getting pre-raid was awful. I quit near the end of phase 1 when my guild and server died and I had to transfer. I got to the new server and the thought of rebuilding a community was a huge turn off and I struggled to find groups. I came back when they announced Wrath and joined a guild with my druid as a boomie to be a FF bot and got geared that way. I haven’t really experienced many dungeons in Classic or TBCC because of no RDF.

Im glad youre here for the long haul then! i assure you i run heroics all the time with pugs, and if youre on a mega server, im on whitemane, there are definitely dungeons to be done if you want to.

See, I probably would have cancelled if they did.

I’m pretty introverted IRL, but the anonymity of gaming changes that for me somehow.

Not sure what this has to do with them not wanting to play Wrath Classic without a core feature they loved from the OG version.

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There it is. Not good enough bro! If they didn’t play from day one of Vanilla Classic and every day since, they were never actually interested in Wrath at all! What, you think them playing Vanilla all the way through and then leveling in TBC means anything? Dude, please. Only a retail player wouldn’t want to play TBC. /s

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And watch their subs plummet like it did the first time? :wink:

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I have a very close person to me with SAD and online games is legit the only way he can socialize at all. he cant be in a car with an uber driver or have someone on the phone in the same room as him, but he can do discord and wow.


Guess that means this has to be the case for everyone. It’s like damn, why can’t people be introverted correctly, ya know?

So they arent quitting, theyve just decided not to come back, which is the distinction i was asking you to make for me and i do appreciate the honesty and straightforwardness

Exactly. Same deal with your employer shorting your paycheck: they aren’t stealing from you if you never had the money to begin with.

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I have extreme PTSD and social anxiety (aside from being introverted). Gaming, and the friends I’ve made through gaming (and years of being around them) are legit my only social life now, other than family stuff. It’s the same for a lot of people.

I will not. The death of RDF means I will only heal dungeons in my full guild groups. I have no interest in going out of that circle without RDF.

It doesn’t for me…heck…it has taken me months to post on the forums about RDF. I stayed saliently watching for a long time. I started making posts about it because the realization of my Wrath memories are being tarnished by Wrath Reforged.

Subs actually continued to rise into Cata…it wasn’t until 6 months into Cata the subs started to decline. Try again.

They are continuing to be quitting I guess…


Yeah, that’s not what happened at all.

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while this is true the velocity of sub growth started to decline at a much earlier point.

You could make the arguement that people need to level before end game, and if the normal leveling time was 6 months, what youre seeing is a decline six months behind.

It literally is. I can show you the graphs if you want. The subs peaked at 12 mil during 2010 and then just dropped off at the end and steadily declined ever since aside from the launch of WoD where it had a brief spike and then dropped off again.

So still declined in Cata…not at RDF launch lol.