Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Sounds like a personal problem lol. Glad you enjoyed pre cataclysm and didnt play wotlk.


This is playing defense? Ye… I don’t think so.

Not a problem at all…I found a guild like you guys said! Now I can still be anti-social to the rest of the server. If my guild can’t support the dungeons then I guess they aren’t that important.

thats great! Wotlk was def a great expansion, im sorry your first experience had to be a content drought period, but im glad you managed to enjoy that!

You want to know what we used to do? Stand in Dal in /2 LFG need 1 dps and a healer. This is what we did. It’s not hard.

And you know what we did when someone ninjad loot? We called them out in /2 and often spoke with their guild leaders or officers.

Guilds often worked together for progressions, and def held server members accountable for their actions.

This time thru will be the content drought. Way less dungeons will get run this time around. I already unbound my I key for the awful LFG tool they put in and I turned off party chat.

Sounds real social…pinnacle of community. Nah, I’ll just group with my guild. If they can’t then I will do laps around Dalaran on my mount or just go out and fly mindlessly around enjoying the world.

We are on a mega server, I don’t remember the last time I saw someone for the second time outside of my guild.

the same amount will before icc you mean. The icc phase will not be half the expac it will probably be shortened to 4-5 months includint RS, so its not really comparable.

Neither statement is correct. It wasn’t near the beginning and it wasn’t near the end. It was in the middle, or at absolute most near the middle. If you’re driving to your family across the country and you called them at the 51% mark to tell them you were almost there, and then they discovered you were at the 51% point, they’re going to be very confused why you would tell them that when it wasn’t remotely accurate. And of course you wouldn’t ever describe it that way in that scenario, because in that scenario you’d be aiming for accuracy rather than pushing an agenda. That critical difference is why here you are attempting to qualify it that way, because lying is the primary way to attempt an argument that supports your position, given your position is at odds with reality.


Nah, with all the changes they have killed a lot of the hype I had for Wrath…I plan to get to 80 quick…get as much pre-raid as my guild can handle and then raid log.


So youre definitely not gonna quit?

I never said I would quit over RDF…I just said its removal killed a lot of hype I had for it.

If the queues continue and my guild is unable to raid because of it then that might force it though.


Since we’re essentially being forced to transfer if we want to play at reasonable times on some servers, could it be possible to transfer a guild along with the gm please?

Full and locked pop servers still existed back then. And queues to log on also existed (tho not nearly as horrific as now).

I’m on Skyfury now, alliance side. I wanted a fresh start and so did my friends and long time guild mates. (Btw, I’ve had RL New Years parties with my guildies and gone on vacations etc with some, long standing friendships with many since vanilla). That is how WoW used to be. It was very close knit and communal. Servers mourned together when there was a death, and celebrated RL marriages and births.

When I meet someone now, I friend them. I talk often in /2 and /4 and make connections. Being on a megaserver doesn’t mean you have to be a stranger. <3

i dont want you to, im asking for myself because im curious. Alot of people think active players are quitting because of the lack of rdf, and while i understand some people will not come back because of it; its hard to believe active tbcc players would quit at all because of it.

Well, you see, the anti-RDF crusaders have devised a clever and quite unbreakable spell of self-delusion where anyone who would quit for any reason wasn’t ever actually interested in the expansion in the first place. They’re unironically trying to pretend that this tautology is a compelling argument. If you would quit over Wrath being changed in a fundamental way then Wrath just wasn’t intended for you and good riddance. Wrath was intended for them, without question, because they enjoy the direction it has taken. There’s no such thing as Blizzard making in error in this magical new world we’ve dropped into since they heard RDF was not slated for Wrath.


I rarely socialize with people in RL, why would I also do it in a video game. Its never really been my thing. I have very few RL friends because I have never really been that interested in it…most of which I met in the military and don’t live near at all.

I have talked to several of my Classic friends who were looking forward to Wrath and cancelled their subs as soon as they announced no RDF. Also, I have a RL friend that was going to come back to Classic and level his 60 holy priest and when he found out no RDF, his response was “F that!”.


Anyone that willingly ground through the trash thats post Kara TBCC is gonna play Wrath no matter what. Anyone coming back to WoW JUST for Wraths raids are simply gonna play less characters now RDF is gone. Instead of doing 2 or 3 characters it will be 1.

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These are active players raiding in tbc? or returners?

This i absolutely believe, i never misunderstood this.

Yeah the game is way less fun for me…I have trudged thru Vanilla Classic and TBCC waiting for Wrath and RDF. I mostly just fly around shat until one of my guildies asks for help until I log off for the night. I am not really looking forward to Wrath except for the initial leveling thru all the zones again. I am one of those dumbies that continues to waste time and money on the game I used to love because I used to love it. I have tried other games but none of them are as fun as the memories I had in OG Wrath.


While i disagree with the sentment about tbcc raid, (i enjoyed them alot) i will agree that its had for me to think anyone will quit because of the lack of something that fundamentally changes the game theyve been playing up until this point.