Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

WOTLK came out Nov 2008. That patch was December 2009, Cata came out December 2010. Call it semantics, but you’re a month off. Hence closer to the end, than to the beginning. But you do you boo.

It was closer to the cata pre-patch by 2 percent. So time wise, dungeon finder was in wrath for 48 percent of it’s existence. We just round up and say half.

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And I’m bad at math… :wink:

i dont understand the semantics on all sides of this. the truth is the experience we all had playing through wotlk was::

If we do a play through of the expansion adding in RDF when it was added in traditionally, with classic timelines equivilent to TBCC and Classic, then RDF will be in the game for MAYBE 20% of the game.

The truth is that its existence is a SIGNIFICANT DEPARTURE from the play style of both classics, and ALSO how the content was consumed originally in wrath itself, where it was a last minute catch up trying to hang on to players during a terrible drought of content.

I don’t need to have an agenda. I have what I want.

My beliefs have been entirely consistent. I don’t care if you call me a hypocrite. Nochanges was the play for Vanilla, and now it’s not. If we stick with nochanges we end up right back at Retail. I don’t want that. Never have.

Bro that’s literally what you’re doing hahaha

I say good sir, same to you! Ho hum, to industry!

You talk like one of those “while you were out partying I was studying the blade” pseudointellectual fedora edgelords.

The funny thing is Ben Goatpiro over here thinks this is all just a hypothetical he can interlocute his way out of. He forgets that that you can log in to WOTLKC right now and rdf doesnt exist. Because he doesnt play the game.

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Right, so the point I was making with my sarcasm is that both are equally ludicrous claims. It wasn’t in near the beginning or near the end. It was in in the middle. I wouldn’t actually make the argument that it was in near the beginning, but you also shouldn’t actually make the argument that it was in near the end. Close might work for hand grenades and horse shoes but it doesn’t work here.

The truth is the experience most people had in the original trilogy didn’t stop at the last content patch. We didn’t have the same play patterns as modern gamers where the instant the last patch is “done” we jump ship until the next cycle begins. I played all through Wrath progression and then continued to have more experiences even once the ICC patch had started to age. It didn’t occur to me at any point to stop playing until Cataclysm dropped, which the most common sentiment among the veteran players of the time given that most did not quit. And the vets who did quit were being replaced just as quickly by entirely new players who experienced anywhere from their first couple months to their first year of WoW during that patch, with RDF and in Wrath of the Lich King.

I’m sure you would 100% do this because, as we’ve established, you have no interest or capacity to engage in good faith, but I’d love to see you tell someone who started playing WoW in Wrath of the Lich King, and played for an entire year during that expansion, that they actually more or less started in Cataclysm.


Don Qixote over here never stops fighting the strawmen he’s constructed, and gets nowhere because of it :shrug:

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I am here for WotLK. Feel free to gloat, slam dunk, spike the football. For now.

The devs will flip flop. They always do.

Not going to bother reading the rest of your post. You are irrelevant.


looks like if they do it will be past the point where it affects me, past phase 1, so good for you <3

It does seem exciting to make characters on an alliance dominated server for all the wpvp that can be had, if you’re into wpvp. It would only be viable if said players still have a pool of players to play with.

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All those tirades against RDF and you abandon them as long as RDF isn’t in phase 1.

Irrelevant and hypocrite


Hes not gonna like that kekw

Fixed for you.

Its almost as if i supported the following from day 1:

Rdf for normals only.

RDF for phase 3.

Nerfed RDF.

Crossrealm LFG.

Realm locked RDF.

Its actually a 26 day difference…not quite a month boo.

But I did, and there is literally nothing you can do regarding it. This isn’t 6 of one, half dozen of another. 13 months =/= 11 months. So my statement is correct, vs yours.

Regardless, we don’t have LFG, and a lot of us don’t want LFG. It’s completely unnecessary. The game did better subscription wise before it, and has declined ever since, other than a brief period in 2014 for WoD of all xpacs, where it rose again (not to what it was mind you) before it plummeted.

the expansion was extended for about 6 months longer than planned, and the content release cadence reflected that.

If you actually played through og wrath of the lich king you did it Without rdf hunny.

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How about letting players actually play defense in PvP without fear of being banned?

And my best memories of OG Wrath were the ones with RDF in it!


My statement still stands.