Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Oh man, scorched :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:


Imagine being so wrong and then SAYING you said the opposite.

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See, the problem with RDF is that once it’s implemented, you have to use it, and not using it penalizes you. Completing RDF gives you extra rewards that just running a regular dungeon doesn’t give you. RDF incentivizes people who are playing “in demand” roles with prizes, but only if they solo queue to allow groups of randoms to form with them.

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Oh yeah, that’s what he does on this forum. ONE DAY before they announced the removal of RDF he was against it:

Then every post he makes about it now he talks like it was the best thing to ever be implemented in the game. He was constantly posting about how it contributed to the destruction of WoW and was part of the reason he hated WoTLK. Yeah, he hated WoTLK and now he claims how much he always loved it:

Here’s another post saying WoTLK Classic would be SoM levels of failure. He was constantly claiming that and now claims the opposite. “We told you guys there was gonna be massive queues!!!” It’s bizarre:


100% why im against it. Id be for Rdf for normals only, or a specifically nerfed implementation of RDF (without bonuses or incentives, and nerfed further so youre tradining gear for convenience essentially), but i dont think the want to split the playerbase for the second one.

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Yeah, I’d be okay with it if it was only local to server, maybe. And I’d be okay with it without the additional incentives to try to encourage people to use the tool, and if it was only a convenience sake “teleport you to the dungeon after group fills” tool. But the cross server aspect gave people no reason to be nice to each other, and no reason to help newbies who don’t know mechanics learn, and punished people who just wanted to do dungeons with their friends by making their tank friends miss out on incentives to dungeon with the friend group.

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Did you play wrath? We did. It was in wrath for half of the expansion. Maybe try googling something before trying to be an expert on it. It won’t make you an expert, but it can prevent you from looking like an idiot.


Did you play wrath?
The progression i did from naxx through icc didnt involve RDF at all whatsoever, it was there as a distraction when the game was bleeding players in what felt like the longest possible content drought at the time.


Would it be possible to split the mega servers into 2 servers linked into each other like retail?

meaning, regardless of which server you are in, you can cross realm invite and raid/bg/dungeon etc for only for those 2 linked server that got split?


faerlina / faerlina 2 - linked to each other, only can cross invite among these 2 servers etc

these 5 hours q for prepatch is insane. imagine when wotlk launches, prob will be close to 8-10 hours!

The person I was talking to claimed it wasn’t part of wrath, when in fact it was present for half of the expansion.


Oh theyre wrong, sorry about that. it was definitely in from after ICC’s teir launched.

They’re wrong, it was half the expansion, but only because ICC dragged on for long. It was released after ICC, which is why I associate it with Activision more than Blizzard. Happened after the merge.


We could link all servers and fix so many issues both pve and pvp related, as well as solve all queus

we can however I foresee many will say its retail and kills the guild community and “classic” experience so I did not suggest this, just among the split servers of mega servers

theyd be wrong, mega servers are already way more massive than you can have a personal knowledge of even 20% of the server. Theres no reason to NOT have the entire community able to play with eachother and guild with eachother

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I think the true answer to this problem is to create one massive server, and add like 50 layers. No such thing as cross-realm if there’s only one realm.


100000000% in agreement #nomoreservers.

This single handedly fixes everything from leveling dungeons, to world pvp, to the need for rdf, and single handedly makes it more palatable because at that point its essentially “realm locked” because only 1 realm exists. You can get a ginvite and play with people you meet. it solves everything.

I did, I’ve played since Feb 2007. Dungeon Finder was brought in with the ICC dungeons/ICC, which was nearing the end of the xpac. There was only one patch after that, and that was Ruby Sanctum.

Did you play it?

Yeah I started wrath halfway through.

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TIL the mid-point is “near the end”.

I guess I have an equally valid claim to saying it was in near the beginning then.


Dungeon Finder (LFD) was literally the end of a lot of server community and responsibility and the beginning of the end of the enjoyability of WoW altogether for me. That and providing raid tier for purchase for running dungeons.

Maybe I’m just a jaded bish whom started to feel slighted, and that all the hard work I put in, remaining in a world top 100 raiding guild since vanilla, and busting my butt night and day, on top of having a fulltime job, and a husband, seemed to just be given away for free and the progression raiders were just spat on come the end of WOTLK beginning of Cata.

No, I def am jaded. I miss that hard work and dedication that it took to do “end game”.

I just pvp now.