Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Thanks for continuing to not listen to your majority player base and screwing all of us out of our WoTLK experience. If you’re going to just randomly remove integral parts of the game you should call it “Classic.” This isn’t the game I remember by any means, even the queues are stupid. Get your stuff together Blizzard.


yup thats pretty neat

bring back RDF - Feedback


You’re directing that argument at the wrong poster. By a longshot.

The key to RDF’s utility is the automated grouping functions. Grabbing one tank, one healer, and three DPS, and putting them in a group together. All other functions were born out of the technical limitations of a game that had next to no cross-realm functions at the time and an expressed desire by the development team to encourage players to utilize it.

I’m not going to get into the arguments about being teleported to the dungeon other than to point out the reason it was added was because there was no way for groups from different servers to use the summoning stone. If Blizzard decides to implement a same-server restricted version of RDF then there would be no need for teleporting players to the dungeon (if there ever really was one.)

The current development team quite clearly has no intention of encouraging RDF (seeing as how they’ve decided not to implement it at all.) The Luck of the Draw was added as a sort of handicap to make up for the perceived lack of coordination from random groups. It probably wasn’t needed then, it’s certainly not needed now, and if compromise is the key to getting RDF implemented (although there is really no evidence to suggest that it is) then this is an easy feature to offer as sacrifice.

I’m less concerned with arguments of “should” when it’s quite clear that this development team is absolutely catering to that minority for reasons I still have not quite wrapped my head around. This is what they’re doing. This is what they’ve done. If you think a position of “No compromise! RDF as it was or nothing!” is going to be successful then I hope you won’t be surprised when it accomplishes absolutely nothing.

This system is complete garbage, not only is it nothing close to LFD of original wrath, it’s nothing close to the retail version either. This is a bastardized version of the retail LFG and its completely useless. If you’re going to make something in game at least make it better than the LFG bulletin board addon. Garbage.


We continue to iterate on random dungeon finder


Now I’m facing a problem where even DPS don’t wanna do anything. LF1M DPS for like 25 mins. :joy:
I really don’t even care anymore, the tool is trash and people in Faerlina aren’t even queuing up just give me friggin’ RDF please dude.
So sick of the LFM/G spam so much…


Been looking for a ramparts group for about 1 hr now nobody wants to invite me because im a rogue

I love socializing


Need new RP server since you ruined Grobb, thx

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Just go to Bloodsail Buccaneers.

Of course not, I’ve talked many times here about multiple middle ground implementations I’d 100% be okay with and behind.

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Yeah I love standing at the summoning stone, using the LFG tool, already at the zone waiting to summon… waiting… waiting… waiting… and more waiting…sleeping back to waiting… waiting… waiting…

Could be doing 5 man Mythics or raids and can’t even finish these quest lines in normal dungeons that I need to complete plus grind for rep lol. It’s a joke. Even flamed today for not wanting to lead a group…

Good times in WoW and that social aspect is just so darn compelling …


Well I’m fairly certain if you were to get rdf it would be a compromised implementation. That’s why I keep telling people “making entitled purist demands about rdf is doing yourself no favors”

I absolutely believe if we were to have enough good discussions on what would work for all of us it would make it far more consideration worthy to blizz.

On top of that people screaming about how I “actually have no problem with rdf” and “it’s all just me misunderstanding myself” or" made up in my head" is unhelpfully infuriating and clearly wrong. If IF I secretly liked rdf I’d be playing FFXIV rn. I’ve been playing MMOs for 20 years, we didn’t just “blame rdf mistakenly” we absolutely have real reasons to not like it or it’s affects on the game.

Again, dungeon grouping barely provides any “social aspect” at all. It provides TEDIUM.

You know how you avoid all or most of the TEDIUM it provides? Social interaction*

That’s how the game works, and why is promotes social interaction. Wow classic is a game built on TEDIUM in every aspect of the game, and having friends that lessen that TEDIUM is a recurring theme.

I think splitting lfg per phase would be bad, a good solution would be lf raid, lf heroic, lf dungeon channels and a much better lfg tool

Hello, am simple Paladin.
The current LFG tool is just…Not it. The social aspect of this tool is me managing my listing while reading the deluge of spam in the lfg chat to try and fill a group or find a group doing the content I want. This can take ages depending on the content.
I do not believe it is a good tool for the game because it basically prevents me from doing anything else if I want to find a group in a timely manner.

Can we keep the current tool while also adding in a dungeon group finder for those of us who don’t enjoy spamming chats and whispering people trying to fill that last group slot?

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10/10 haha bring back RDF


You can’t force socialization ok. It just doesn’t work. In fact as soon as you start uttering rubbish like that it actually turns people away. Your definition of friends may also not be the same as mine. Especially in this introverted world we live in now. People are more apart and isolated than ever and it’s by choice. Not to mention everything pisses people off. Today I merely said I did not want to lead and was just blasted as a coward and all this nonsense. Your forced socialization has had the exact opposite effect.

As bad as retail is at least I can log in and do some questing unlock some content and que up and go and do it without the big political philosophical whatever debate you might want to have at the time. I also do not enjoy wasting time on people for this exact reason. Yet here I am at the stone ready to go and still nothing … LOL

I guess in todays day and age I need to lead and have a speech and twitch stream and a funny costume and stand on my head and jump through fire so I can do some normal damn dungeons in a decent amount of time after bleeding my life back into the game.



Add the retail AH as it is right now aside from the cross realm commodities to WotLK Classic ASAP. It’s unusable even without addons.

Well that depends on the implementation. I think if it was same realm without “luck of the draw” or extra badges it would prob be fine.

On the stretch side I think giving a good amount of extra badges to manually formed groups (like a repeatable quest) is actually the way to go, then by choosing to rdf youre giving up extra badges to gain an easier way into a dungeon in which you can farm while you wait, which I think is fair. Trading speed for efficiency.