Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

oh no they’ll lose out on a server with 200 people on it

What’s your plan to address server queues!!!

Why are there only 4 layers on grob, when you have 13,000 people in queue or more. Increase the god damn layers! 4 hour queues are insane and its not even launch yet.


And the blue posts are SILENT… as per usual.

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Fix your game idiots

I never posted for people to leave. I want the game to succeed and people to be able to play the game however they want, given the time that they have. RDF does this. It doesn’t impact me, personally, however it impacts others. That’s where I have the disconnect with you.

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You answered my response to someone who did.

Ok, I’ll give you the win on that. I figure no matter what, you love to be right. :rofl:


While I appreciate the sentiment, it’s about the context of what I’m saying. I’m not just screaming “haha I win” in a vacuum, and in fact on the forums I’ve posted a lot about compromises I’d be okay with, and clarified the issues I had with rdf, it’s purpose, and it’s implementation.

But for someone here to scream like Alfa mage that I can go play a private server, and my concerns aren’t valid I can absolutely remind them of the situation reality finds us in.

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open more layers on high pop realms to reduce queue times

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Feedback: Queues suck. No I do not want to xfer to a dead server. Increase server size, add layers, come up with an alternative solution.


This shouldnt be a choice, i really wish wow would implement a serverless experience, with sharding. In my opinion the downsides of the “cross realm zones” were some of the same downsides of RDF and LFR, that these people were disposable, and you could barely continue to interact with them even if you wanted to without specific server imposed hurdles. Give us no servers, and the ability to party, raid, or guild with anyone anywhere (outside of faction) with no more artificial barriers.

If they did this is would also relieve some of the pressure for RDF.

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This will be the last time I ever respond to you since you lack basic logic ability. RDF was never required for gameplay it was there for people that wanted to use it. There is no scenario where if it were to be implemented that antil rdf people would be forced to use it. I believe Blizz should add a poll that everyone must answer. Either for or against rdf. Once it is added back, those that marked no should not be able to access it and that should be account bound. You have no argument.


How about you guys work on a solution to the insane queues that are going to get worse in pre-patch, instead of spending time on un-needed changes to a 15 year old iteration of the game? Possibly work on a solution to all the people using RDP phone apps and auto clickers to stay logged in forever to help reduce the queues? How about working on a solution to your hardware limitations?

I know you guys need something for your resume other than “relaunched an exact copy of an older game” but damn, you guys are batting a 0 at the moment. Theres a reason retail wow has been slow bleeding out for years due to these crap changes you all keep making…

  1. No RDF in the sake of “community” when in reality its to stop easy leveling and sell more boosts
  2. LFG Tool is horrid. Simply disguised as a way to eliminate LFG channel to cut back people selling services.
  3. Servers are overloaded. 6+hour queues on a pre-patch and your only solution is to have people transfer to dead servers you just offered a discount to transfer OFF of
  4. Bots in open world are at the running rampant
  5. you destroyed playing with your friends unless your within a 5 level range
  6. you added SoM elements to the real game when SoM was the biggest flop ever produced

Now your talking about gutting raid content because you think there is “too much”


Can probably stop complaining about RDF, you aren’t going to be able to get into a server to actually utilize it even if it was added.


Youre not doing yourself any favors by sticking your head in the sand and screaming “I cant hear you, you have no problems”.

Blizzard isnt implementing it because rdf improperly implemented would be forcing everyone to use it. They said explicitly that they want to retain, and protect, that “Different experience” people are currently enjoying in the game, because rdf doesnt exist. You’re wrong, and if you continue to act entitled and toxic i doubt you’ll ever get the feature you want and im perfectly ok with that.

And what about the 25-mans that do? What about the other people who run raids that you conveniently left out of your point? It matters to everyone else outside said social circle, so, no. GS and parsing, etc., are still very much going to be a thing, and getting an entire gear piece through not doing RDF every day is very much making it so that the people who don’t want to use it are punished for doing so.

Apples to oranges. PvE =/= PvP. I’ll give your RDF = PvP queue system merit when you don’t have to do a dungeon twenty to thirty times for a piece of gear from a boss.

The Warlock and two other people still has to get there.

See previous.

The one who’s trolling is the one who consistently attempts to strawman and acts as if it has any sort of legitimacy. A Battleground takes 20 people, minimum, to function. A dungeon takes five. A battleground gives entry-level currency as opposed to a raid which takes half that at minimum. Your comparisons are disingenuous and blatantly pathological.

So you won’t even take damage when fighting a boss? Because that’s pain. You won’t tolerate wiping? Because that’s pain. You won’t corpse walk and will demand a rez? Because that part’s a pain. You expect the game to play itself for you, it seems, given that you won’t be willing to tolerate discomfort to get what you want.

And then we get to retail where we have convenience that has hollowed out the game itself.

You’re very much trying to make it so.

Yes, you will have to defeat the obstacles that are in your way. Common sense. If you don’t like the obstacles then go play a different game.

But you recognize that there are ways to implement automated matchmaking like what the RDF provided while stripping away any additional incentives to insure that no one felt compelled to use it as a gearing decision, right?

Make the emblems acquired externally from the dungeons (the original daily quests), strip away the “luck of the draw” buff, etc. Potentially even add benefits to organically formed groups to incentivize “socializing with your community”.

It’s not even a stretch.

Wrath needs RDF /thread


this, with the technology currently available to a company as large as blizzard there really is no legitimate reason (in my opinion at least), outside of them just wanting $$ through server xfers, to not move to a ‘single server’ game with enough layers/phasing/etc to accommodate the entirety of at least the classic community. the only downside i personally can see to this is global chat and trade chat would be nigh indecipherable because of the constant scrolling with that many people unless chat was also phased dependent upon your layer.

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The game shouldn’t cater to the minority of players who want more friction in entry-level content and progression. Sorry, but it should be the people who won’t use RDF’s burden to bear by not using the tool. It has more benefit to others than it harms you.