You haven’t explained it once. All you’ve said is, if it’s a good change for me, it’s a bad change for them. Which doesn’t even make sense. (not yelling, but trying to clearly ask my question you keep dodging:
H O W . I S . I T . A . B A D . C H A N G E . F O R . T H E M?
H O W . D O E S . I T . N E G A T I V E L Y . A F F E C T . T H E M?
W H A T . A B O U T . I T . M A K E S . T H E I R . G A M E . P L A Y . E X P E R I E N C E . W O R S E?
If you could give me an answer for any one of those questions, we could at least have a dialog about these changes. Right now the only thing we have to explain this change is, we’ll get to make more life-long friends if we use LFG.
Well, that’s as helpful as the rest of your posts, so you’ve at least confirmed you have no idea how keeping RDF in the game would negatively impact folks.
Keeping RDF in the game would save people’s time, just like it was originally meant to do in the first place. Ah crap you’re right… that would be extremely inconvenient wouldn’t it?
Blizzard are in the business of ensuring people are subscribed for longer periods of time. They’re more likely to unsubscribe if they complete the content too quickly so they introduce time gating to required mechanics to ensure that the amount of fun per hour spent is better for their shareholders.
RDF is convenient and ‘saves time’ finding authentic group experiences.
I like how these morons flip back and forth with their bs logic. Oh its just like transfering so that makes it ok. Lol. But cant use that same logic for rdf. How about oh its the same as being summoned from a stone or warlock.
Keep ignoring your players blizz. I was willing to give you a 2nd chance with dragonfilght. Its clear now you havent changed one bit. Still ignoring the right stuff and the decisions you do make are just wrong. Keep it consistant. Yeah race and faction change are good for the game. Good call. Now open your eyes and see the benifits of rdf and put it in. Again, focus on what it adds. If you want to make the world larger, get rid of flying, not rdf.
Ultimately, people who play Wrath Classic will spend less time in dungeons and more time trying to get into them. I just don’t see how this is positive in any way.
Honestly, at-launch LFD is a good way to make sure I don’t spend any significant time in WotLK Classic. If I wanted an experience in which everyone spams dungeons from level 15 to cap without saying a word, I’d play Retail.
Not having LFD is inconvenient. But some level of inconvenience is important to how Classic feels. It prioritizes how we interact with each other over efficient gameplay, and that’s fine.
If it gets added in the patch 3.3 content unlock, that’s fine, as that’s when it originally was added. But no earlier.
Just because you are unable to make friends while doing dungeons, doesn’t mean others can’t.
I have plenty of people on my friend list that I have first met while doing a dungeon together in TBC.
Do all my dungeons groups lead to a friendship? No.
Do I have a better chance at making friends with people that play on my server instead of people from other servers? Yes
Funny you say the retail way, but retail doesn’t even have a limitation on Heroic Dungeons anymore. You can just walk out and reset a heroic any time in retail