Wrath Classic bugs not yet fixed

Been going on since pre-patch. The new spell IDs for buffs weren’t included in the list of things that are hidden on raid frames during combat and those buffs have priority on the frames. So, healers can’t see things like their active hots or shields on targets when using default frames.


Bear swipe is using the wrong version. Using the 3.3.5 patch it should be an 8 yard radius 360 degree circle but instead its a small frontal cone. Makes gathering up mobs a real pain.

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They fixed flag Carriers are now trackable on map after 45s holding enemy flag as of today.

And also clamweaving (first report) wasn’t a bug but was an (awful) joke

sooo that clam thing was just a hoax? =(

Raids are nearly here and there is still nothing fixed…

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this is for locks too, still affecting me. as a lock who relies on soul link, a pet with 30% health left is not ideal

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Thank you for posting this here :slight_smile:

You can use one guardian and one battle as long as you don’t have any scrolls. Scrolls take the place of elixirs.

You can use one potion per combat, but the timer for the potion doesn’t start again until you leave combat. That is true to wotlk. A potion used out of combat immediately starts timing down.

The massive pet bug is missing. Every time we dismount our pets can go as low as 1% hp.

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There is one in there for pet classes if I remember correctly, ill check when I get home on the PC, trying to edit this on an iPhone isnt fun.

This might be related to the pet bug, but I am often getting a soulshard from my pet being dismissed without my pet actually being dismissed. This happens when dismounting.


That’s new actually; added.

It appears that bear swipe has been updated to the 3.3.5 version. Happy bear dance time.

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I just tested all these bugs and it appears they are all proccing deep wounds.

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Unless I missed it, the pet health bug is not in the list. Hunter and Warlock pets show up with half health upon dismounting. You can mount up and dismount again and it goes down to 1/4 health. At this point I won’t be surprised if I dismount and my pet falls over dead.


Heirlooms fixed.

As a warloc, when you leave the ground on a flying mount for any amount of time, then dismount, your summoned demon pet re-appears with a seemingly random amount of health, at least 90% of the time less than he had when you took off, and at least 1/2 the time he has like 100hp. Been bugged like this since at least prepatch if not before

Bug report.

All dots that can crit (feral bleeds, flame shock, etc) will crit at full effect ignoring resilience