Wrath Beta in July-September

Idk when the Ralph beta is going to be, but Holly Longdale said the wrath beta would be up in 2-3 months during an interview.

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I mean to be fair 2 or 3 months if we’re in sunwell for 4 months is not a bad time frame I mean I say get the Beta out as soon as you can.

And this is gonna sound a little bit biased but yeah let’s people see how bad it’s gonna get without RFD I think people have this thought their head how much better it’s gonna be and they’re quickly going to figure out yeah this actually sucks it’s going to be tbc.

Except the toxicity is going to be way worse Because it’s going to be gearscore without the random option so even less people are going to be able to jump into content before the game even starts.

so what the point of a 4 month raid then?

They’re listening to the wrong people if they’re keeping rdf out of Wrath.


That’s exactly what I am saying… There is no point and highly unlikely it will be a thing

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Pre-Patch will either start by first week of September or already be started. General pace for TBC patches has been 15-18 weeks each.

You are right, they are using the newer pet logic. That wasn’t introduced until patch 3.2 where pets would always attempt to be behind the target. Bright side, once we are in wrath, it will be on the correct pet logic if we are using a 3.3.5 client.

the people with nothing else to do for 4 months mite raid just cause but classic tbc is pretty much over.

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