WRA seems kind of well...dead for RP

Yeah I was gonna say it feels to me like Silvermoon actually had a bit of a boost in RP - at least at the dumb weird aussie hours I RP in

I’m actually tempted to transfer all of my Alliance characters from Moon Guard to Wyrmrest Accord for the simple reason the population is smaller.

I played on Moon Guard for years. I can assure you that just because there’s more people doesn’t mean you’re getting the quality. Moon Guard was great back during WoD, but in Shadowlands? It feels… dead. You see people walking around Stormwind in circles in some morbid parade. Yeah, Stormwind may feel more populated and lively, but it’s still the same people every day, over and over again, there’s just more of them.

Even Wyrmrest Accord’s Horde scene is like that for me, but that may be because everything is jammed into the Tail in terms of City RP, and roleplaying as anything other than a Sin’dorei in SMC is setting yourself up for failure more days than not. Not always, and it is getting better with this expansion, but it does feel -isolating- being the lone Vulpera in a sea of elf. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m rambling, but I find the smaller crowd sizes appealing. It makes actually walking up to someone mean something. It feels more like a conversation, and less like an interview. It feels more organic.

The Forsaken RP on WrA is in fact very dead 8D


I literally only came here to make that joke and you beat me to it.

I actually commented in parentheses in Thalassian in Oribos a couple hours ago that I like Torilas’s mog, too! I think he was afk though (plus also I had to say it in spatial since I’m a Blood Elf here, hehe) It’s like the reverse of my paladin’s purple & white which struck me as very cool. I love it!

I just made this character on Wyrmrest after playing on Moon Guard, Horde and Alliance, since Cataclysm (though I didn’t play during Pandaria or Draenor at all, and off and on during Legion and BfA). It has been fun seeing the sort of vibrancy in appearances and TRP profiles on WrA Horde that I don’t see as much on MG for Horde but which are abundant there Alliance side, and just more liveliness that isn’t trolling in the first place. :slight_smile:

I’ve always been a faction ambivalent type of person in any MMO and have been the most into goblins since Cataclysm, but I had never played on Wyrmrest until this week when I started this paladin. I don’t feel like MG Horde is a ghost town, but then I tend to avoid crowds in the first place, so I am kind of okay with ghost towns and running into people in the wild. I definitely felt the imbalance during the pre-launch Icecrown events in particular when on my goblins, though.

That’s cool that there has been cross-faction stuff here. I have no idea where is the best place to look to see what’s happening here, if it’s not this forum. I don’t know if there is a Virtueverse sort of server wiki for Wyrmrest like there is for Moon Guard (that was a reference to City of Heroes/Villains there).

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There are two in game communities that I try to keep updated with events on the in game calendar.

You can find the invite to both Horde and Alliance here: [A/H] LFRP the In-Game Community

The directory also has a few Discords and links to other event calendars that you should look at if you haven’t yet. Probably a good place to start.


glad to know it’s apparently alive now because i remember it being a ghost town during bfa lol.

you can tell when i dropped walk-up entirely tbh.

I would say roleplay in Stormwind picks up after ~4:30pm or so server time and extends into the wee hours. There are many of us who apparently don’t sleep. >.>

I can say with absolute certainty that RP is not dead here. I’m logged in for many hours and I see people roleplaying everywhere in the city. RP is what you make of it, too. See nothing going on? Start your own RP scene, toss out hooks to others. Don’t think anyone’s around to read your emotes? Still do it! You never know when someone will chance upon you and respond to your ‘idle’ emotes. There have been countless times where I’ve seen RPers with their OOC flag on, but when someone tosses out an interesting emote, they’ll switch to IC and respond. Don’t wait for others to walk-up, BE the one who walks-up to others. If you’re the kind who’s shy to initiate, then at least offer an emote so others can try to engage you - like, drop a cup or trip over your foot or bump into something. Anything! I’ve found the RPers on WrA are pretty inclusive and many will try to engage if they see an opening/opportunity.

I also suggest using the TRP Map Scan function. It allows you to see where RPers are congregated. This is a feature that can be turned off for privacy reasons and I know many RPers do, but it still gives you a good idea of where things are happening.

Filling out your TRP is also important. You don’t need a full character history, but a decent description is always nice to see. It at least shows you’ve put in some time and effort to flesh out the character a bit. At-A-Glances are particularly helpful for others to notice things on your toon that they can respond to immediately.

My two cents~ :kissing_heart:


[ask] me about my experiences with cross-faction RP events and why I don’t go to them anymore.

why don’t you go to cross-faction RP events anymore

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Would you like to know more, citizen?

starship troopers theme intensifies


Man Silvermoon City back in the day… The Royal Exchange, little back entrance in the bar. Good times, good times. We need a Silvermoon Appreciation day.

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Just remember, just because you’re not having problems finding something doesn’t mean others aren’t. Just the same, one person struggling doesn’t reflect on everyone.

It’s more difficult than ever to actually find RP of substance. If you’re looking for random, quick encounters, or just simple things, they’re easy to find in a few spots.

If you’re a person like me, that’s just not going to work. I’m easily off put by certain kinds of characters and interactions, can’t handle crowds, and have difficulty with events for such reasons. I’m easily overwhelmed by a lot of posts, and jokey, over the top, or parody characters are complete interest killers.

Now yes, that’s me, but I’m not alone in being like this. I know/knew a number of people with the same issues, which kept them out of guilds and events.

Now more me, yes me, the problem I’ve had the last 2 years is just not being able to find anything of interest. I don’t see guilds or groups advertising much anymore, unless they’re big/broad, which doesn’t fit me. I used to be able to get by through just hanging back, browsing through TRP and whispering people/characters of interest. That just stopped working late legion/early BFA as there were just less people around in general. It turned into seeing the some characters in the same places, and nothing with them was ever going to work for me.

TLDR, Asocial, particular and easily offput/discouraged, but not shy. Crowds and big events are a no, because they’re stressful and overwhelming.

What WRA needs is more ways to connect with people that don’t rely on going to events or joining large groups. It used to be possible before, so why can’t it again?

[ask] me which real world racial slurs i got called “cleverly” disguised with warcraft flavoring at the [event redacted] one year, only to get a weird “kill yourself!” message on tumblr once I brought it up in public


[ask] me about the time someone at the same event accused my character specifically of being responsible for the genocide of orcs because i play a draenei


[ask] me about the handful of people threatening/implying they should kill and/or sexually assault me IC because i showed up to a cross-faction event as an Alliance player


[ask] me about the people who felt comfortable at a peaceful cross-faction event discussing how they liked to skin worgen and alliance pandaren


[ask] me about–hfkjHglK!g hauighk!!!


tell me something i didnt know

I remember this

isn’t this just the female toon experience in general tho

frfr i don’t think xfaction is the sole problem here wrt sexual assault threats, i think we just have to look at the fact that the community as a whole is. really creepy and gross.

there’s a reason i quit walkup a while ago basically.

affected deep southern accent for some reason

lmao if that ain’t the most backwards logic I ever did see

i left one of the Azeroth Peace Council things super early (not the organizers’ fault) because some guys in the back were talking about how Teldrassil Wasn’t Enough

Teldrassil 2. Because apparently not doing it in the first place was too much to ask for.