WoW's Narrative Director Compared Himself to a 6 Year Old Coal Miner?

They were actually mob bosses way back when, but whatever makes you feel more sanctimonious.

As someone who has done both… At least you get somewhat stronger from physical exhaustion… Mental exhaustion can take a toll

physical can too on one’s body… But the mental ones… I don’t see people getting stronger mentally from it


There are whole companies that exist purely as “consulting firms” that companies like Amazon will hire to prevent their workers from unionizing that say word for word exactly the same things you’re saying in this thread. So if you wanna keep bootlicking Jeff Bezos good luck with that.


I don’t think this is profane. It’s more ignorant.

This is speculation, but I kinda also feel it’s indicative of someone who has been very fortunate to not be in that kind of hardship. I could be wrong, but it comes across that way.

Weird, the are whole movements that exist purely to wedge between a worker’s right to negotiate with their employer and vice versa in the guise of seizing the means of production that say word for word exactly the same things you’re saying in this thread.


Yeah dude a union will totally make that harder, and that’s why big boss Jeff Bezos spent $5 million to make sure that doesn’t happen, he just really cares about his workers being able to negotiate so he can pay them more and give them better working conditions. He’s just waiting to do that, any day now…


He already overpays them by a very gracious margin. Rather spend 5 million to cut the head off the snake that will make him pay triple that for less-than valuable workers.

You’re not going to win this argument by using Amazon as an example. That dog won’t hunt.

My guy you’re really out here defending Jeff Bezos literally on your knees licking his boots for everyone to see.

Please tell us more how this man is totally a great guy who is definitely overpaying his employees lmao


Not at all. You’re just feeding off your own bias because someone disagrees that unions are the solution to everything.

I can gladly tell you about the caliber of people we green light and then turn around and fire in less then ninety days. Spoiler alert, a union would make it impossible to fire these people.

Leave the Emporium of Bad Takes alone OP.

How do you say this with a straight face?

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Because I manage them. About ten-to-twelve warehouses, actually.

Yeah, the ambiguity there really leads me to believe you.

Wow judging by how you talk about Amazon workers they could really use a union then because you’ve said some pretty awful things about the workers you claim to be advocating for.


No, no. I am not advocating for them. Don’t put words in my mouth. Some Amazon workers are hard workers, others are not worth the $17.00 hr.

I know this will be a shock to you, but workers are not created equally.

The dev is on the 10% top earners in the country.
Stop talking like he works 80 hours a day on manual labour.

It’s a union sock-puppet. That’s all they do.

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Cool, sounds like they could use a union to advocate for them then because of bosses like you lol


It is the Karen, internet specialist of everything that will quick search and post the results here.

I guess that would make you an Amazon sock puppet then.

How much is Jeff Bezos paying you to defend him on the internet? I bet you’re doing it for free on your own time, pathetic