WoW's Narrative Director Compared Himself to a 6 Year Old Coal Miner?

Yes I have, and I am currently unionized now.

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lol that’s very obviously not what I did. Now you’re just attacking me as a distraction.

And you actually believe the tripe the aflcio publishes?

Yeah, why not? What do you think their goal is if not better working conditions through unionization? Why do you think CEOs and bosses fight so hard to make sure their workers don’t unionize?


But then you would just be a floating head…

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Making money by taxing said unions. It’s quite the scheme.

Because not having the power to promote or fire people drains the business itself?

yes it is , because Activision sees it as a marketing tool to reach millions of people instantly and for free .

Are you talking about union dues? The salary of people who work in labor organizations is usually always equivalent to what the workers make. Whereas CEO salaries are usually 399-1 more than what their employees make, literally stealing the profit of their worker’s labor.

That’s interesting you say that because Amazon has some of the highest turnover of any company and Jeff Bezos spent $5 million lobbying the US government to help prevent Amazon workers from unionizing.


No they don’t. Source - principal technical program manager, in my last role I worked very closely with senior executive leadership and c-suite within technology, and they work the typical 40-50nrs a week or even less than the rest of us. Engineers work 40-50hrs a week depending on any major deliverables or major service disruptions.

Weird that people think in technology that you work 70-90hr weeks every single week of the year.

Additionally, I have friends at Blizzard who are on internal tools teams, ops teams, and game development they don’t work exceedingly long hours either. It’s a normal career job.

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So come time for a major launch they’re working forty hours a week only?

Yeah… Maybe… I don’t buy it. But that’s just me

It’s a different type of exhaustion, for sure.

Working 10-16hrs in a kitchen with a 500ºF grill 6ft behind me for the entire day, standing for 90% of my work day, and teaching the new guy (bless his heart) the difference between roast beef and pastrami is exhausting.

But after working 40-60hrs per week, fixing bugs, making graphs, spreadsheets, etc. where I am the reliable source, and both my input and actual work has a big impact on the direction of a project that’s being worked on by people who only know me by my Zoom profile pic…that’s mentally exhausting.

Cannot fathom the stress of trying to steer the sinking narrative ship that was WoW for the both 4+ years. Only several million people are judging your work. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Exactly this, I am a chef and can confirm this is true.

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How much are your union dues?

100%. I’d still take mental exhaustion over physical exhaustion though. I used to help my parents at our food shop and I don’t know how they have done that for 20+ years. They’ve developed a lot of physical conditions as a result as well.

You actually believe that? Being a Union Boss is just as lucrative as a CEO, except the CEO has to earn his wealth through his company.

Because most Amazon workers are terrible workers. They’re literally over-paying some employees 10% just to get as many people in the door as possible.

I can’t fathom the stress of being a child dying in coal mines so old dudes can get rich.

His comparison between the two is so bad and profane it’s hard to believe he still has a job at Blizzard… oh wait, Blizzard leadership supports degrading women. :woman_shrugging::coffee:

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Godspeed my friend. I gave it my best, but 4 years is all I had in me. Learned real quick that I couldn’t follow this passion for work without destroying my health. (Worked in a southern kitchen, as dude from Cali, I miss those company crawfish boils on the weekend after dinner shift ended. Best crew ever.)

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I’d agree with this. The biggest toll mental exhaustion had on me has been my ability to care about others. Physically tired? Sure, I don’t want to go on a long walk after work. But you want to tell me about your day? I need all the naps.

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Tone death and quite a bad joke to be sure but that’s pretty much all. It’s not that bad in my opinion dude whines about his job and people on twitter. More news at 11 that’s pretty normal.

To each their own, I’m on the autism spectrum and I would 100% rather be physically exhausted than mentally exhausted.

There is no such thing as a “union boss”, that’s a word that was made up by rich CEOs and bosses as part of anti-union propaganda.