WoWs character name system is atrocious

Pretty sure the great dwarven name Hasbeard isn’t taken anywhere.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

They should add a family name.

I totally agree. It’s way to restricting.

Surnames would be nice, but honestly the name randomizer is far improved in that it never gives me a name already taken anymore. And tells me beforehand that it’s not taken. I feel like you could hit random a few times and find something serviceable.

Ive only ever had 1 name I wanted not be available, been playing since BC.

Only names I haved unavailable was variations of Belgarith , Polgara and Sparhawk, never a problem with anything else . And I just tried proudmore and rightshoe is available , which makes me doubt very much your claims

Well my post got flagged and removed. But yes. The fart names violate the naming policy. Any names that involve bodily functions, or flatulence or anything like that are interpreted as against the ToS.

All of the names I had listed, were flagged as inappropriate and against ToS and I had to rename them all.

I despise using special characters as they make /who or /targetting someone especially difficult. A lot of names are taken on my “full” server yet I’ve always been able to come up with one that I like. Try using ChatGPT if you’ve run out of ideas.

based on the amount of people who run to the CS forum when they get a forced name-change on an rp server, i’m going to /cast doubt

I’ll believe it, when the people I reported actually have to change their names. There’s still some people around here (on the forums) with bad names that still have those names, no matter how many times I’ve reported them.

They only seem to care when many report and not just one person.

Let’s be honest… a lot of us have starter accounts to reserve our names on the most popular servers in case we had to move there.

I’d honestly love a chance to make last names for my characters and be able to group them to show they’re family. I’m not going tog et as crazy with RP as some folk do but bare minimum I’d love the ability to do last names so i can finally fix some of my characters I named odd things with something that’s not a nickname or codename feel to it. Many of the names I wanted to use are taken for example…and they’re not anything crazy but simple names. If I was able to also use last name rather than a 12 character limit for a name I could at least let my characters have their names as nobody would be using the full thing. I can give my characters a last name in Guild wars 2 and I’d love it if we could in WoW too

I would welcome a first name/surname system. As well, extended character count.

This has always been an issue, and is why I always thought the way Blizzard handle B-net names to be great. You can have anything you want (as long as its TOS-friendly) because what matters is the numbers next to your name that signals you out to the random Josh or John in California.

I was lucky that two of my main characters (A Dracthyr and Void Elf’s name) weren’t taken yet, despite being sure that at least one of them would have, but I was lucky on that part. I wish they would reevaluate the name system because you have situations like this where you are set on a name and identity for a character… but can’t because someone else came along and took it.

Yes, some of the issues is mitigated because there’s an auto-generated name option, but one, those names are meant to be diegetic to the setting and not everyone wants that, and two, apparently that’s only available for some versions of WoW like in the West. This is one of those areas that could use a QoL feature, and maybe then offer a single free name change similar to how they offered people the ability to change their B-Net name for free at one point because of the whole McCree/Cass situation.

I added the name I wanted to my friends list, then by chance the guy logged on one day. I asked him for the name and thankfully he didn’t want it anymore :joy:

you either get very lucky (I somehow lucked into this name)

or just roll on a low pop server. Which isn’t as bad as it used to be because the AH is now region based, and you can join guilds on other servers.

I have a bunch of names I want (on a dead realm) and joined it on my Sargeras guild.
Honestly, just stick with Eonar or whatever if the naming is such a big deal.

Eventually, what I’m hoping they do is let you choose any name you want on any server you want (with some string of numbers afterward just like btag). But that string of numbers won’t show up unless you inspect/scroll over it.

Well, there are accounts hoarding those names on an army of level 1’s they will never use.