WoWs character name system is atrocious

That ' (like in Kael’thas) should be possible for elven names.

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I’m giggling every time I see a character using “ß”, which in German is an “sz”, instead of a “b”. I know, it’s a beta as well, but…

Bet a thousand quatloons he’s bugged.

… what? Why would anyone scan and repair because a name on a server is taken? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Solution, use battle tag as a surname. Done.

Granted the coding is going to be a problem, but that would be the best solution.

You could have 50,000 Lleroy and it wouldn’t matter.

Edit: Just realized a CC Member said the same thing but went in to much more detail. So, yeah, what they said.

because he is not using common names and they are already taken, I think maybe his ui is broke?

( Quatloons were an alien currency three floating heads on the original Star Trek series used to bet on the outcome of a gladitorial event , Spock, McCoy and Kirk were involved in)

Just because it’s not a common name doesn’t mean it’s not taken. No one’s UI is broken. Names are taken on realms. That’s the life of a 7 million player game where you can have 65 characters and 8 WoW licenses on one Bnet and there is no option for space, hyphen or apostrophe in names.

Tbh I wouldn’t mind a Surname system like Swotor or ffxiv. Either have it be account bound Surname “legacy” or per character to let things be more unique

I wish they would update this archaic naming system by allowing us to either use spaces or have last names. An old game like WoW where some players have like 40+ characters makes it very difficult to find a good name that doesn’t require you to use special characters.

I would. Because not all races use surnames and we still don’t have racial naming conventions like apostrophes and hyphens. Plus, in Old Republic, if someone has the same name, no one cares anymore, because they destroyed any sense of community. I don’t need to see a hundred druids named Thallia running around in Stormwind for RP and people not knowing who is who.

I’d rather see names extended for characters and the option of a hyphen, space or apostrophe. That way, people can get their last names and others can get their racial naming conventions.

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I always wished wow would introduce surnames. That would allow a lot more options but they never do. Once some said it’s because database size . I don’t get how that could be such a hurdle these days with storage so cheap and modern db systems.

You can also play on a dead realm now that almost everything is cross-realm and cross-faction

Velen for example (almost all were open on the first try):

I do hate the system but it made/makes sense. WoW server communities used to be pretty important so you can’t have someone using the same name as you ruining your rep.

Even today using a Diablo system would not work as you trade/whisper and do other stuff with people not added to your Bnet account. If everyone ran around with the same names it would cause issues.

I used to have the same problem as you though. So many of the names I wanted to use in the past were taken and there was little I could do about it. I found you need to get more creative with names, even though I’m not the best at it I made a few I love like this character’s name.

Think I might just roll an auction toon over there to sell some of the armor crafts I have access to with unique appearances that aren’t available in the game any more (Vanilla vet FTW).

At one point close to 15 million people had active accounts. Lets say an average of five characters for a total of 75 million names. It is quite possible that getting a name not taken is not easy considering the English dictionary has 170k entries.

Oh id love to use ‘ in my name! :smiling_face:

I use the “of Sen’jin” title because it looks good.

I went on Garona server, most populated one I know. Rolled a lighforged draenie palladin and picked out a name with as many cliche’s as possible " Mczapenstien" and it went right through like butter. The OPs Ui is bugged!
I also busted some myths…judgement has a 30 yard range, so TWW taking range away from palladins is baloney and I went up in 2 levels in 20 minutes ( starting as not rested because I am bugged), so not leveling fast enough is baloney too.

Zzyqterrinty says hi.

I support the current naming convention. Adding hyphens would make identify characters by realm confusing. Spaces would create issues with dialog boxes and create even more avenues of abuse.

I would support long idle characters forfeiting their names or at least be able to challenge them.

Edit: Further, even with surnames, people would run into name conflicts.

What they need to do is add a surname field, then make the two names and realmId a compound key.