Bruh there is no anima grind it’s an optional cosmetic currency and one that you could very easily upgrade the sanctum buildings (and thus literally triple anima gained) without even focusing on it.
You say “no content! Oh my gosh! No content” then when I point out SL having more mounts and pets than any other expansion you tell me how it’s time gated behind a grind…. So I guess you just want to earn all the mounts and pets in a week then resume crying about no content??
I don’t abhor group content. Casual doesn’t mean solo. I like dungeons and raids. Look at it from a “how to get casual into more group content” question instead.
I’m on a crappy server that doesn’t have any guilds that are active during the day when I play. Haven’t found a guild to be in yet this expansion. The more casuals who quit, the more sparsely players will be spread out among the non competitive realms. You can see this disparity on website witht he “M+ lowest keystone leaderboard”.
I would say if you look back at WotLK, that leveling, bgs, professions, and heroic dungeons retained casuals quite well. None of that is like it used to be.
The problem with world quest gear/korthia gear is that it short circuits/upends casual gear progression. I hate that heroic dungeons are irrelevant. Why do them if its faster to get geared up with wq/korthia. It bleeds into m0 and lower m+ as well.
Why do people accept daily questing as primary content? Whoever thought that grinding the same quest over and over for the original wintersaber mount would become the model for primary non raid/m+/pvp content decades later?
When I look in lfg its at times 75-80% of the groups don’t have a tank. Do I create a group looking for a tank too? If you say why don’t I tank, well, I could just as easy post on my hunter so you don’t say that.
Back in Legion, it wasn’t as much of an issue because trash packs weren’t as significant. DK tanking was quite popular. Of course that’s not a good look for mdi, so trash needs to be harder.
Things for Blizz to help casual:
0. More server connections
Rip the wq bandaid off, make heroic dungeon loot better than wq/korthia loot, or at least allow korthia upgrades to come from heroic dungeons.
More realm connections.
Make tanking less stressful, or:
You have flex raiding, flex torghast, why not flex dungeons? 5-10 size groups. That would help the tank issue, help groups, help casual get into more dungeons.
Give us an M0 queue already!
Until some of that happens, I’m resigned to torghast as my primary content.
I have been PVPing since Mists of Pandaria. It’s not hard to get into it but you need people with whom you can play and practice the group’s habits and tactics.
Then why are you wasting your time on our forums when you could be playing that game? No one left here cares about Anime Online ™. The people who want to or who are interested in that game are already there and I think it’s beyond time blizzard adds an auto-ban filter for posts and comments that mention it.
You know what I meant, people attempt to pass off information as facts and that’s what you did. Call it a lie then? I’ll just call it lies then. Your no better then someone who creates statistics on the spot to try and win them some brownie points in a conversation even thought its fake statistics.
Getting and retaining new players hasn’t been a priority probably since Cata. Blizzard goes through the motions but it’s not their major focus.
With the cash shop and WoW tokens bringing in , they don’t need to expand the customer base in retail. Just get the existing ones to open their wallets and purses more.
This is exactly why I hate M+ . The “GoGoGoGoGo” at all costs mentality is the 2nd worst thing about the WoW community. The whole e-sports thing has perverted dungeons and hyped the “elitist gating” of viable content. There is no reason they couldn’t have both versions, with the timer giving a bit better loot.
WoW Tokens — the only reason we have WTS in LFG/LFR…
To be honest no one wanted to focus on making gold and the Tokens made sense… it also created the new profession pimping guild members out to carry someone for 50k gold so we can run that world first…
Forbes isn’t assessing the game’s quality as a game - it’s assessing the franchise as a business, which is what Forbes does. Forbes will tell you how Ford is doing but not how the steering handles on an Echo.
These two things would go a long way, definitely would make me want to do dungeons again.
Another thing would be combine all the upgrade options into one single currency (be it VP/JP, tokens, honor/conquest or even Holy Bear Butts) that is gained from ALL CONTENT (at varying amounts tied to difficulty) and could be used to upgrade nearly any item to heroic raid levels. Then mythic could be solely for hardcores. I might even be convinced to stay through the 10.0 flying spitegate for that kind of system.
Toggle timer for keys… turn off timer you get gear + higher key but no achievement. The timers kill the RPG feeling. I would remove the vault/chest per week and raise drop rates.