This year, blizz could give players a mount of their choice, including the unavailable ones, as a gift. Only one and only on the days of the event. It would be better than last anniversaries… Or put in the store for purchase, a mount of your choice, including the unavailable ones
Which mount are you really asking for?
Vengeful Nether Drake
Not today satan… not today.
walks out of thread
I could get on board with this. I could finally move my army of mount bots away from Sha and onto another rare that won’t drop the mount.
I dunno. It would be hard to top the Deathwing mount.
They should do like a crazy Classic Anniversary with the rewards of going through Molten Core getting the Core Hound with a Friend and Team Group instead of LFR Nightmare, Alterac Valley Battle, Outside World Bosses out again, Southshore Battle, and finally bring Oldest Raids like Zul’aman for those who haven’t fought against Zul’jin who has forgotten rewards like the Red Bear Mount, and etc, Old Zul’Gurub Raid with the Reputation as well. Spirit PVP Event with the Dragon and Tabard, and Scourge invasion event with like Old Naxxramas with the Staff and such and finally The Ahn’qiraj Event Gate.
But I know blizzard probably won’t do that for 18th Anniversary but one can hope for some Classic Retail Stuff back in WoW.
Step 1: Create Anniversary Vendor
Step 2: Put Rare or Retired mounts on Anniversary Vendor
Step 3: Make these mounts cost a particular currency only available by doing a bunch of Anniversary events during Anniversary week.
Step 4: Cap currency so an account can only earn exactly the amount of currency to buy one of the rare mounts on the vendor each Anniversary.
Step 5: Rotate the mounts every few years to keep them fresh.
Or, maybe even better?
Make the mounts cost 1 special Holiday currency from each of the other Holidays, collect them all year and use them together to buy one mount.
- Say “Happy 18th.”
- Give us an 18% exp boost.
- Wait until next year and do it again, but with 19%.
How dare you ask for things that are removed. It could totally devalue someones “work”, or worse risk making them feel less special.
Sarcasm aside,why not drag something out of the past,make some exciting event as a call back. Might even be a thing that convinces someone who came back for the classic bit to go to retail.
Bring back old zulgurub and tiger mount
Any mount you want? Naw, that just seems lazy to me.
18 is a big year, if WoW was a person it would be an adult, graduating high school, going off to college. What is the big grad/18th bday present everyone always wishes for? Something they need, something that means you are an adult now with responsibilities.
Your own car.
I want a new high res version of the car from the Goblin starter zone. And not just one, two, one detailed for each faction the same way the Heirloom choppers are that can be used from level 1. And give them pop out wings so they can fly too.
I wouldnt mind the pvp netherwing or storm drake. Oh or the bruto
Guess this idea needs to raise to 3 mounts
Maybe old pvp mog. Idc about keeping titles but some of those old sets are nice
OP, I think you should just make a new post asking if blizzard will give you the mount that you want.
pass i’d rather have the option to choose from 3 or 4 different things mounts as rewards is kind of old after all these yrs someone needs to come up with something new by now. most mounts are worthless and if they keep pushing for this dragonflying garbage mounts are worthless anyway.
Thank you for this.
Here we go again. The “gimmie gimmie gimmie” on every WoW anniversary and then throw a hissy fit when they don’t get free mounts, gear, content etc. like they do on actual milestone anniversaries.
I think this year people like you should just be thankful the game is still around and not shut down like Wildstar, Matrix, CoH, SWG, Warhammer Online etc. and whatever Blizz does decide to do/give (if anything) be happy with that.
Hopefully Microsoft will improve things, one can only hope.
Pvp mounts aren’t coming back
200 IQ post here
Give a little dessert, people expect a full meal for the rest of their days or else