WoW's 18th Anniversary Mounts

You will have to wait another year or two. Microsoft has 0 say so until then. Buying a company is not like buying a house. Closing of all paperwork involved takes 1-2years if you are lucky. Depends how long it takes the FEDs to approve the sale. After that you cant take the reigns and start giving orders. Hell it may even ben in the closing contracts that they have to wait 5 years before they can start making changes. We have not read the closing contracts :woman_shrugging:

Microsoft is not in control atm and have 0 say so atm.

I’ll take one Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider, please.


i need the swift spectral tiger for xmog purposes :nerd_face:


That’s what I think every time I see your name. Also, it makes me hungry for a Bojangle’s Steak Biscuit.

My brother in Thrall, we pay $180 a year + $80 an expansion to play this game. “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” is right. We want our money’s worth, and since digital items are infinite and have no substance, that’s a lot of digital items.

That’s like saying you should be grateful this 4th of July that the United States hasn’t collapsed. It doesn’t matter how corrupt or damaged the establishment is, it’s literally too big to fail right now. Changing the status quo would deprive too many people of comfort. It’s simply not going to happen. WoW isn’t going anywhere while those of us willing to pay our subs and empty our wallets for store mounts are still alive. It’s naive of you to even compare WoW to those dead games, because they’re not even close to the same thing. WoW is held up by a 28-year old IP with strong characters, multiple novels, three award-winning supporting RTS games, its record-breaking status as King of the MMOs, its cutting edge diversity, it’s ubiquitous notoriety, Blizzard’s other IPs (yes, Overwatch and Diablo profits support WoW just as WoW profits support them), an extremely popular and successful cash shop, international recognition, 18 years of “sunk cost,” and soon the financial might of Microsoft.

World of WarCraft will outlive us all. You may absolutely hate what it becomes, but I assure you, it will still be here, ready to take your payment.


Yeah Bojanglz we usually were only getting special stuff every 5 years on the event…like 5, 10 , 15 then came 17 and they threw in a mount and toys and pets…


I bet you that Blizzard doesn’t have anything big prepare for this anniversary, same events like the previous ones and some kind of toy as gift added to a vendor, I don’t think Devs dedicated time to anniversary while running with DF content.


Asking for an old glad drake :skull: :ok_hand:

That’s a bad choice, A good approach it’s like previous anniversary event that could drop Invincible, Ashes of Alar…etc, Blizzard could bring some kind of activity with a low drop % for some rare mounts in game, they already did once as i just mentioned.

WoW 15th anniversary event “Memories of Azeroth”:


This would be acceptable.


fixed, thaks

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WoW’s 18?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
wiggles toes



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Nah, i didnt get a car. Lets give everyone student loans. Teach em responsibility

Hmmm. I wouldn’t turn down a skychaser/ interceptor mount.

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Oh I get it cause of his name

Baron Rivendare.

if they did that ill go for the bronto mount lol
if they have the ah/vendor npc with it

There are many fun things they could do, but we’ll just get the really boring world bosses again with garbage loot that no one needs.

The developers have absolutely no idea how to celebrate or have a good time.


why not??? :thinking:

“You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”