WoWhead ongoing censorship

Yes, a website about a video game is the same thing as a government. Totally.


To the contrary, I think if you are going to censor posts at all then do it WoWhead’s way and remove anything remotely off-topic, trollish or inflammatory. Otherwise you are just a hypocrite who picks/chooses what is offensive

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I hate it when right-wingers complain about censorship, when it’s not from the government.

Edit: Besides, this isn’t WoWhead. Also, I removed the air quotes.


Huh, TIL it’s only “censorship” if it involves the government. Wait…that’s completely wrong.



“Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech”

Twitter isn’t Congress. Wowhead isn’t Congress. Private entities are not congress.


The bottom line is this:
Currently, your platform, your rules.

Laws need to be passed on certain forums/social media that do not let companies pick and choose who can say what.

The world is changed and almost everyone uses social media to communicate and share news.

But the way the current political climate is going – being nice will soon be law. Being honest will be outlawed. Criticism will be considered hate speech/harassment.

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This 100%.

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They typically say why they deleted it.

I agree with you say %90. For sure we don’t want to take away the right to set their own rules in their site. But %10 of me doesn’t like the inevitable echo chambers seem to always result. Perhaps we need more obvious ‘public opinion forums’, in balance of sites that are ‘pro’ one view. I don’t know. But is it possible that we need some mechanisms to stir up echo chambers?

I don’t have the answer. But mostly yea, you should expect house rules in their house for sure.

You and everyone who say this are honestly hilarious.

If we allowed consistent censorship on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc that everyone uses then we’d essentially have brainwashed masses because they’re only able to hear 1 side of any story.

And we’re already working towards that, but hooray!

ItS a PrIvAtE cOmPaNy rhetoric is awful.


To be fair, they are well within their right to delete comments they disagree with.

My issue with wowhead is the site can be unresponsive at times, and tends to have hella adds. Atleast when I’m trying to look at it on my phone.

Nope, that’s how the law is written. The government cannot silence you.

However, Private companies can moderate their platform anyway they want. And if you don’t like it, you’re free to leave.

As long as you do what the totalitarian State tells you.

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That’s not at all what I wrote. The person I replied to implied “censorship” is only applied to the government. Reread both comments.

Blizzard is a great example of why censorship is wrong. There was tons of posts about Pro-BLM and they were unlocked and stayed open for a long time.

But any post saying rioting is bad, or looting is bad, or police is good got locked and 404’d really fast.

Yes, by law, they can do that right now and that is fine. But stuff needs to change – to much of the world is using social media to talk to each other.

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It doesn’t matter, the direction this post is headed, it’s gonna be censored.

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Blame the trolls and flamers, the people who cannot have a proper discussion with differing points of view.

The sad reality is that forums devolve into personal attacks and threats by the third response if not immediately.


Okay? And what does that have to do with my comment you read wrong?

Because you have the option to just not use their product.

You don’t have the option to not be a part of the government.

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Yes, I was wrong to put air quotes around it. I honestly don’t know why I did because it is censorship. That doesn’t change the fact that censorship by a private company is legal.