Why do they get worse every season?
Tier lists mean nothing unless your class is below C tier (and doesn’t get significant buffs) and aren’t doing Mythic Raiding or Pushing Keys past +10 (+10 now is the old +20 in prior seasons).
People need to realize that and not reject B and C tier classes from their groups for that sole reason.
Tier lists are for mythic raid and 3500 M+ level players.
For the rest of us, we All “S”
Well to be fair sometimes you have a spec that is REALLY undertuned but they usually get a massive buff in a hotfix shortly after if it’s that bad.
Good luck getting into pugs as a non meta class
BM hunter (my main) is getting invited to zero key groups now lol… guess I’ll be in the delves
Go ahead and look at my raider IO.
Good luck?
I pug exclusively and never wait more than a min or 2.
Group compositions helps. You can play anything pretty much and progress far, however there’s always a composition to keep in mind.
In the end of the day, if people are bad and don’t really play in an organized fashion, the composition hardly matters because it’s going to fail anyways. It’s not because you bring an Havoc or Windwalker is means you’ll win.
If they can’t play, it won’t matters.
Yea they should buff DK!
Are we talking class balance or prevalence of tier lists?
The break the meta event in df was kinda cool. I got to play with some very skilled players on overlooked specs. I definitely think a lot of people vastly over hype the meta/Min Max practices way below the content that needs it.
Tier lists dont matter if all you do is AOTC and M+ up to +10
Sure having S tier specs will make things easier but practically any spec can achieve those goals.
Like I said, all the rest of us hehe.
Unless a spec is so bad to the point its a detriment to even bring in heroics and those keys up to 10+ then sure but that said spec would need a buff asap.
I can and I will. Believe it.
I mean… kind of happened to Preserver during DF.
Tier lists only matter to hardcore mythic players, and people who think they’re hardcore mythic players
Fire Mage was “S” tier for just about all of Dragonflight.
Take a Fire Mage into M+ in low-mid keys and watch the tank do more DPS than you.
Tier lists are utterly meaningless for 99% of players. Most legitimate PUG crusher specs usually aren’t S or even A tier.
Lets be real BM will be clearing higher lvl delve tiers which offer better loot then M0 anyway… we can essentially skip M0 all together then form our own keys come M+
Also being reworked in anniversary patch so should hopefully move up the ladder soon =)
The forbidden art of signing up as Aug just to switch to dev once they get in the group.
I am pretty sure there is a curse in play, every single group that invited me while I was devastation with devastation listed in my note but still kicked me from the group for not being augmentation failed to time their key. Doesn’t matter if it was a 25 or an 18 before the key squish, not even an augmentation evoker could save them.