Wowhead article about sv rework


Thank you for pointing this one out to me. It was a very nice read! It mirrors my sentiment about the SV rework and then some.

I really hope Blizzard (I assume they do) read this article and are aware of the positives and negatives it highligts.


the whole spec just being Kill Command is terrible and insanely boring like i dont see anybody playing survival for more than a week or 2 the way it is…it will get boring very very fast and the fact you wont be able to get ure Kill Commands off becaue your pet is CC’d or gets killed instantly gg reviving your pet 17 times a game lol

It has been like that since bfa, so nothing has changed

Having to rez a pet in a dungeon or raid is almost non-existent, and spamming Kill Command is even only possible if you specifically spec into it and get some procs lining up.

The spec isn’t just kill command, you use it for focus and to empower your abilities. I swear some people just like to invent reasons to be mad.


Well tbh 50% of SV hunts talent nodes in talent tree revolve around Kill Command. Either it buffs damage, adds charges, gives something to proc when you get KC reset proc.

So survival has in TWW about 38 talents not including hero talents. Of those 10 invlove, increase or require kill command to proc, 11 if you count coordinated assault. of those 10~11, 4~5 interact/proc off of other abilities not with kill command (i.e Wildfire infusion, exposed flank, and bloody claws). This is less than 30% of the survival tree being around a focus generator which is ok and in no way suggests that survival is just about kill command.

Kill command is still just a generator for survival, there are so many interactions for it because we use it often to generate focus for the abilities that matter, we never favor or use kill command when we can press a spender or an ability that does real damage


Type in kill command in talent tree, and then come back here. Hero talents not included.

The TWW SV is a nice change , and plays very well in my opinion. I just said that Kill Command shows up in majority of talent description. I didn’t say it’s bad , or anything. I just said that majority of talents have something to do with kill command. Sometimes to read doesn’t hurt.

To be honest… It doesn’t really feel any different to play to me when compared to now…

Lol not you being shady, dude ive done reading and more than 60% of the survival class tree has nothing to do with kill command. So when you say majority what do you mean? If by a lot i could understand, but MOST is inaccurate, majority is also inaccurate. Maybe you should learn counting since we are giving suggestions here. You said 50%, and its not.

Kill command could definitely stand to have fewer interactions but its still not the majority of SV talents.


I love hitting Kill Command. The sound is kind of weird but I’m used to it now. My only complaint about the spec tree is that you are forced into some gameplay talents or extra abilities. I have plenty of fun with my four buttons. I don’t play WoW to prove myself. I play it to mindlessly kill stuff.

Kill Command has saved my butt many times with Aspect of Eagle and Disengage the only thing that could replace it is if they add Arcane shot usable with 2h or a new skill but make it generate focus with a few charges and a cooldown to replicate KC. But i feel it be boring if our pet is just auto attacks and auto pet abilities and it being called to your side in a few charge abilities.

reads more like an ad for wow by someone that played survival, once, long ago, than a real article

“we often didn’t find ourselves actively playing around its special effects for a meaningful payoff outside of occasionally leveraging Pheromone Bomb for resets.”

ya ok.
cycling targets to blow up toxin stacks, lining up blue to maximize and maintain bleeds across packs…nah, we totally didnt do that…

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He’s only the wowheads sv guide maker. Surely he got no clue what he’s talking about :dracthyr_shrug:


Don’t forget it took two years of fail since 9.2.5 to get a decent itineration of SV. SV mains during DF wasted both their time, energy, and money.

Does the 7% increased damage and 3% reduced damage taken scale with Mastery? That might be a better deal than Versatility. Imagine Mastery being the dump stat since Moses wore short pants. Or just imagine playing a far better melee DPS until now(TWW).

Interestingly enough, the new Mastery doesn’t require having an active pet, but for the doubled effect it would. Very odd that Blizz is still forcing SV to go with a pet when it was traditionally the most petless of all the 3. Interesting development regarding spec fantasy.

All in all, it looks great. I would think it was supposed to; any normal-size house that took TWO YEARS to build should be rather immaculate.

Sv in DF was pretty enjoyable mostly so idk where you’ve got this from given you haven’t even played DF.


I didn’t say it wasn’t enjoyable; where did you get this from? Just because something was a waste of time, money, and energy, and a failure, doesn’t mean it was devoid of all possible enjoyment.

Not having played DF as a SV main made me smart. Blizzard could have EASILY gave us what we got now at the beginning of DF’s cycle. No class needed this the most, and we had to sit out an entire xpac cycle.

You could actually say that Blizzard was only building upon what was most successful in SL: :bomb:. :bomb: outshined :axe: and :dog: too much, but for some pretense of spec fantasy they had to include it for DEI purposes.

So any SV main that was paying attention during SV would have known to skip after seeing 10.0. If they were smart enough to know what they had with Mad Bombardier.

In other words, you were like saying the Sega 32X was enjoyable, despite that Sega fans already knew the far-superior Saturn was on the Japanese market. Sure, a few games made having the 32X enjoyable, but it was still riding on the several-year old Genesis.

Sv in DF was pretty great please stop your insane ramblings thanks :+1:


Then go play DF on a private server next month if you think it’s still pretty great.

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