Wowhead article about sv rework

Why don’t you play retail at all before commenting :clown_face:


Back up your own claims first. You think DF is great? Awesome. Unless I’m completely in error, somebody will put up a PRIVATE SERVER for people just like you.

I think Shadowlands was the best SV Hunter post-Leg. I could have spent my time dominating people in PvP with the Mad Bombardier set bonuses. Instead, when Blizzard chose to do JACKALL for TWENTY MONTHS about giving the SV I really wanted, I let that go and went the Classic route.

If Blizzard doubled down on Mad Bombardier from the get-go, or even with this rework, I would have skipped Classic Wrath(as that was a crap itineration of all Hunter) to do DF almost the whole time. That’s right: I invested my time learning how the old stuff worked and what changed, when I could have had a blast. However, a certain wokeness had driven populations away…

This is tough because Mists and Warlords are going to give us the best RSV that ever existed, and TWW and MN is supposed to compete against that. It’s possible to play both, but in terms of PvP, Classic is where it’s at. With no PvP application of even this new TWW stuff, one would decide if they want to just do PvE.

Simply enough, I want to PvP as a Hunter. Retail scatted the bed, but Classic’s got it on ice. Not to mention SoD, which potentially after Phase 4, might start introducing new runes to make SV Hunter something it has never become before.

PvP is slightly more of a priority…unfortunately, that’s why Classic gets ahead of Retail. At least in Classic last year and this one, I actually got to PEE-VEE-PEE as a SV Hunter, despite that SV was total crap back then. SV Hunter sucked so badly in both Wrath and Cata…

you really didn’t. latent poison damage was almost negligible to optimize, not to mention latent poison didn’t have anything to do with green bomb :stuck_out_tongue:


Is this a Freudian slip again?

These statements are true only in ST.

Even though we all seem to have Jackal on our minds quite like Venruki, Xaryu, Swifty, and Bajheera might be, some of us for many years, there’s vulgar words that should be left out.

I reckon we’ll all be eager to have Jackal’s commentary on the SV rework and a prognosis for win.

What a delusional comparison lmao

Literally no one wants it or cares about it and stop talking about yourself in the third person it’s weird.

Also side note please go see a licensed professional to work on your psychological issues


Never mind that

was actually a sarcastic statement, because while we know those names, the community doesn’t really care about their skills and prestige. That’s as accurate as it gets regarding the Jackal of Stormwind. He just doesn’t have an actual Internet personality to go along with it. I’m sure being a gamer nerd of the old school had NOTHING at all to do with that.

There’s a reason that not even here in the forums, we don’t talk about Venruki, Xaryu, Swifty, and Bajheera, despite that skillwise nobody can really beat them.

That’s another subject for another time, but say that if Bajheera mained Hunter, he would get the exact same treatment as the Jackal of Stormwind. Maybe even worse because he does rated unlike Jackal. Bans upon bans.

Words to the wise: the best players are HATED by the community, not loved. I won’t get into the rest of the Machiavellian about that…

Jackal begs to differ, and that’s why he is coming back like Chris Metzen himself needed to come back. Consider him the “Little Green” in that respect. It’s almost been a year and he knows you want him back.

Getting back to the subject thread, he said what he said about SV spec. He told me that he does like what he’s seeing, comboed with the new general tree, and does believe that RSV(because MSV lost the war in his take) can now be viably competitive. He mentioned this is potentially why a certain Barthilese or Frostmourean goblin has been off the grid.

The BIGGER emphasis on WFB and Explosive Shot says enough, and that it even has the potential to be pet-optional.

I love TWW Survival. Easily the most fun spec/build I’ve played in WoW since Vanilla launched. It just feels like I can always do what I want to do as a dps.

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when you hit MB in between other abilities, you can MB a mob with 1 stack or a mob with 10 stacks. your choice. swapping targets isn’t terribly difficult with proper nameplates/WAs/etc

Green aka volatile applies serpent sting to up to 3 targets.
Serpent Sting causes latent stacks.
so 3 targets building stacks.
4 if you’re smart enough to swap target before throwing the bomb.

so ya. it kinda does have something to do with it.
thanks for playing chump.

this has nothing to do with WFI. you can apply poison AoE without WFI.

So does the current talent tree.

Nice sign off. WFI was a boring and even going out of your way to “minmax” it was barely 2%. You are welcome to look at old logs to prove me wrong.

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And you can apply Immolate with or without Conflagration. Doesn’t make the latter’s loss not a loss.

Applying to 3 at a time is significant relative to 30% chance of 1 at a time. I.e., before pre-patch, when it still existed.

Had it been retained at equal relative value going into TWW, “Green” would be 5-9 enemies afflicted at a time or some perk of similar value.

Why would you assume a massively buffed new context’s limits of what’s possible would be its weakest past absolute state???

This is like saying that any future implementation of Fury of the Eagle could only ever be dog---- because of its relative power (via tuning and [lack of] features) at the start of Legion.

Based on pure speculation.

Guaranteed SS spreading is more useful than WFI RNG. I’m sorry you lost the bomb colors, but it’s for the good of the spec for many reasons. My favorite reason it’s gone is that throughout BfA → DF anytime there was any sort of borrowed power or event talent referencing WFB it had to work with, it would often break on several of the different flavors

WFB initial hit and dot
shrapnel initial hit and dot
volatile initial hit and dot
pheromone initial hit and dot.

that’s 8 points of failure and it happened way too often.

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I never changed what I was doing based on the bomb color. That’s way too much work.

The best part about is this it wasn’t even that much behind optimal play to do this. The colors were that insignificant :smiley:

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The sheer VOLUME sure as heck was. Losing Mad Bombardier was a terrible blow to SV. The only thing better and more optimal than :bomb: was more :bomb:. Looking back at it now, I have to press X for doubt that any DF version of SV performed better than 9.2.5 SV, ilvls being equal ofc…