Wowhead Amirdrassil Preview 10.2.5

Its all still a work in progress, so they could have it open to get more people to explore it before doing the Alliance only triggers.

Alternatively for our aid, Horde players could have a quest to personally see that the Night Elves have established themselves. And then it becomes Alliance only.

The Ruins of Lordaeron are Horde only, despite both dactions helping the Forsaken reclaim it. So it would feel bizarre that the Night Elf and Worgen capitals would be neutral.

I hope not, though the whole reuniting the elves thing makes me wonder the intent.


Yeah this doesn’t really sit well with me.

I think the NPCS should be unfriendly to Horde, and if you try talking to them there’s just text that the NPC says something like trust will be built over time, but theyre off to a good start.

I also heavily disagree with the Horde getting the cosmetics. Make them Alliance only and work on getting the Horde some cosmetics from reclaiming the Undercity. I’m sure more are bound to be coming with Gilneas too, so Horde needs some attention imo.


Its look good, hopefully this is a sign of things to come with an old world revamp at some point in the future.


Great… I love having my capital city turned into a neutral city. Great feeling. Let’s hope this isn’t the case because it would be a huge slap in the face.


It’s still very much a Night Elf city. Since Horde champions were very much involved in making it possible, it makes sense that it doesn’t have a universal KOS mode where the Horde is concerned.

No foundation for that save for player speculation. This city is very much an Alliance city, but one that recognises it’s debt to the Horde champions that made it possible.

Still there ARE NPCs that will attack Horde players that get too close to them.


It is too early to judge how NPCs respond. I am pretty sure they are not going to have the zone neutral to Kaldorei for example. All that sort of fiddly reactions stuff is the last focus of a zone, usually.

We really do need an HD version of the bear bank, though. It was so iconic for Teldrassil.


Horde didn’t do squat for Gilneas other than run the Gilneans off in the first place what do you mean?


Only thing that should go down is Genn saying With the retaking of Gilneas, and the birthing of Amdrisaal, you only begun to repay the debt owed to the alliance. Now get out of my city and never come back

I always loved the look of the bear bank. It was soo cool how it was carved into the tree and it actually looks natural. :blush:


I mean, Forsaken are likely to get an Undercity glow up in Midnight. Although it might not be the Undercity anymore, and they might just expand on Capitol city.

I’m assuming the context is about the night elf city and not Gilneas.

Now I personally think that it should be Alliance only. Its an Alliance race capital, the capital of the Night Elves, the Horde should not be able to just visit whenever. I do think a quest where Shandris gives us a tour to show us the Night elves are rebuilding, would be cool, but otherwise…


I would be fine with Amirdrassil being neutral, if they just make every city in the game neutral.

This is my own personal desire so that MG Horde can finally find roleplay, even if it means having to hang out in SW to do it.

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After a lot of pondering, this is how I think they should handle NPC reactions.


Makes me wish that Ashenvale, Moonglade, Felwood, Darkshore, Stonetalon Mountains, Mount hyjal, Winterspring, and etc was HD Version of these awesome Night Elf Looking Assets and Buildings.


Hopefully this is the start of a slow and steady overhaul of the rest of the games assets, because as mentioned, with the new graphics, the old world is really starting to show everyone how out of date it is


It sort of surprises me they did not just swap the assets out. I think they have the same layout and footprint.

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I’m happy with all the news and I hope there’s much more to come. At least the whim is evident.

This is the end of a very large arc that has dragged on for a long time, so the conclusion needs to be truly epic.

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It’s not Darnassus 2.0 it’s not a race capital that’s tied to a new character start area the way the old city was.

My understanding of things is that it is replacing Darnassus as the new Night Elf capital. So just it barring the Horde makes sense to me, like how the Forsaken bar the Alliance from the Ruins of Lordaeron, even though both Calia and Velonara are aware that Alliance agents helped them.


Yes and no. Structurally and game play wise, it’s not going to be another Vanilla style player capital. Storywise though it is the new night elf hub. Again, we don’t know enough yet to pin down how it’s going to operate. It’s genesis unike every other race capital isn’t limited to the race alone. Others including Horde champions are involved.